
    boundary 对比 border
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 boundary border
    n. 【法律专业】
    边界 ,疆界,境
    [C]1. 边界分界线[(+between)]2. 界限范围
    ①[ border on (upon)] 接界;接壤;毗连;
    Garden trimming the side of a structure or pathway.
    n. 【法律专业】
    边界 ,边境,疆界,境
    n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【纺织】
    [C]1. 边缘边沿2. 饰边滚边3. 边界边境国界[(+between/with)]vt.1. 形成...的边围住2. 与...有共同边界与...接壤3. 为...镶边[(+with)]vi.1. 毗邻接界[(+on/upon)]2. 近似[(+on/upon)]
    (2).维基词典 boundary border
    The dividing line or location between two areas.
    An edge or line marking an edge of the playing field.
    An event whereby the ball is struck and either touches or passes over a boundary (with or without bouncing), usually resulting in an award of 4 (four) or 6 (six) runs respectively for the batting team.
    The outer edge of something.
    A decorative strip around the edge of something.
    A strip of ground in which ornamental plants are grown.
    The line or frontier area separating political or geographical regions.
    Short form of border morris or border dancing; a vigorous style of traditional English dance originating from villages along the border between England and Wales, performed by a team of dancers usually with their faces disguised with black makeup.
    To put a border on something.
    To form a border around; to bound.
    To lie on, or adjacent to, a border of.
    To touch at a border (with on or upon).
    To approach; to come near to; to verge (with on or upon).
    (3).牛津词典 boundary border
    a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line
    a limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity
    a hit crossing the limits of the field, scoring four or six runs.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 boundary border
    That which indicates or fixes a limit or extent, or marks a bound, as of a territory; a bounding or separating line; a real or imaginary limit.
    The outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, etc.; margin; verge; brink.
    A boundary; a frontier of a state or of the settled part of a country; a frontier district.
    A strip or stripe arranged along or near the edge of something, as an ornament or finish.
    A narrow flower bed.
    To touch at the edge or boundary; to be contiguous or adjacent; - with on or upon as, Connecticut borders on Massachusetts.
    To approach; to come near to; to verge.
    To make a border for; to furnish with a border, as for ornament; as, to border a garment or a garden.
    To be, or to have, contiguous to; to touch, or be touched, as by a border; to be, or to have, near the limits or boundary; as, the region borders a forest, or is bordered on the north by a forest.
    To confine within bounds; to limit.