
    cartilage 对比 bone
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 cartilage bone
    扩展解释:n. 【地质学】
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    1. 【解】软骨原骨;软骨成骨
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    1. 骨骨头[C]2. 骨质[U]3. 骨骼;身体;尸骸[P]4. 骨制品[C]5. 【口】骰子[P]vt.1. 剔去...的骨2. 用鲸骨(或钢架等)撑(妇女上衣)3. 施骨肥于vi.1. 【美】【俚】苦学;考前临时抱佛脚[(+up)]
    (航行中船首的)浪花(She has a bone in her teeth,船首无浪)
    1. 【美】带骨牛排;T字骨嫩牛排
    (2).维基词典 cartilage bone
    A type of dense, non-vascular connective tissue, usually found at the end of joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, in the throat and between intervertebral disks.
    A composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates.
    Any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.
    A bone of a fish; a fishbone.
    A bonefish
    One of the rigid parts of a corset that forms its frame, the boning, originally made of whalebone.
    One of the fragments of bone held between the fingers of the hand and rattled together to keep time to music.
    Anything made of bone, such as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
    The framework of anything.
    An off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
    A dollar.
    The wishbone formation.
    An erect penis; a boner.
    A domino or dice.
    clipping of trombone
    Of an off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
    To removing the bone or bones from.
    To fertilize with bone.
    To put whalebone into.
    To make level, using a particular procedure; to survey a level line.
    To have sexual intercourse with.
    To perform "bone pointing", a ritual that is intended to bring illness or even death to the victim.
    To study.
    To polish boots to a shiny finish.
    To apprehend, steal.
    To sight along an object or set of objects to check whether they are level or in line.
    (3).牛津词典 cartilage bone
    former name for Annaba
    remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking, serving, or selling
    study (a subject) intensively, typically in preparation for something
    (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (someone).
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 cartilage bone
    A translucent, elastic tissue; gristle.
    The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and gelatine; as, blood and bone.
    One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton; as, a rib or a thigh bone; a bone of the arm or leg; also, any fragment of bony substance. (pl.) The frame or skeleton of the body.
    Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
    Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers and struck together to make a kind of music.
    Whalebone; hence, a piece of whalebone or of steel for a corset.
    Fig.: The framework of anything.
    To withdraw bones from the flesh of, as in cookery.
    To put whalebone into; as, to bone stays.
    To fertilize with bone.
    To steal; to take possession of.
    To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.