
    scenery 对比 background
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 scenery background
    ①(总称)舞台布景 (=stage scenes);大道具;
    [U]1. 风景,景色,2. 【戏】舞台布景
    扩展解释:【电脑术语】 【术语缩写】
    本底(真空)[ 一般地在没有注入探索气体时,检漏仪给出的总的指示。(IGL)]
    n. 【建筑工程】
    1. 背景(与前景foreground相对)[C]2. (事件等的)背景远因[C][U]3. 出身背景;(包括学历在内的)经历[C][U]4. (图样等的)底子[C]5. 背景资料[U]6. 隐蔽的地方幕后[the S]7. (干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音[U]8. 背景音乐[U]
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 scenery background
    View, natural features, landscape.
    Stage backdrops, property and other items on a stage that give the impression of the location of the scene.
    Less important in a scene.
    One’s social heritage, or previous life; what one did in the past.
    A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject; context.
    Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.
    A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).
    The image or color over which a computer’s desktop items are shown (e.g. icons or application windows).
    A type of activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user.
    To put in a position that is not prominent.
    To gather and provide background information (on).
    (3).牛津词典 scenery background
    the natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance, especially when picturesque
    the painted background used to represent natural features or other surroundings on a theatre stage or film set
    the part of a picture, scene, or design that forms a setting for the main figures or objects, or appears furthest from the viewer
    a less important or conspicuous position or function
    used in reference to tasks or processes that do not need input from the user
    low-intensity radiation from radioisotopes present in the natural environment.
    unwanted signals, such as noise in the reception or recording of sound.
    the circumstances or situation prevailing at a particular time or underlying a particular event
    a person’s education, experience, and social circumstances
    form a background to
    provide with background
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 scenery background
    Assemblage of scenes; the paintings and hangings representing the scenes of a play; the disposition and arrangement of the scenes in which the action of a play, poem, etc., is laid; representation of place of action or occurence.
    Sum of scenes or views; general aspect, as regards variety and beauty or the reverse, in a landscape; combination of natural views, as woods, hills, etc.
    Ground in the rear or behind, or in the distance, as opposed to the foreground, or the ground in front.
    The space which is behind and subordinate to a portrait or group of figures.
    Anything behind, serving as a foil; as, the statue had a background of red hangings.
    A place in obscurity or retirement, or out of sight.
    The set of conditions within which an action takes place, including the social and physical conditions as well as the psychological states of the participants; as, within the background of the massive budget deficits of the 1980’s, new spending programs had little chance of passage by the congress.
    The set of conditions that precede and affect an action, such as the social and historical precedents for the event, as well as the general background{5}; as, against the background of their expulsion by the Serbs, the desire of Kosovars for vengeance is understandable though regrettable.
    The signals that may be detected by a measurement which are not due to the phenomenon being studied, and tend to make the measurement uncertain to a greater or lesser degree.
    An agreement between a journalist and an interviewee that the name of the interviewee will not be quoted in any publication, although the substance of the remarks may be reported; - often used in the phrase "on background". Compare deep background.