属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 检查单据 | certify a document;verify documents;scrutinize documents;check documents |
2 | 区划工作[农业自然资源] | regionalization(of the country’s agricultural natural resources) |
3 | 社会总资本的再生产和流通 | reproduction and circulation of aggregate social capital |
4 | 企业管理研究方法 | research methods of the science of enterprise management |
5 | 生产线小组责任制 | responsibility system according to the production line |
6 | 出版社社长负责制 | responsibility system for publishing house directorship |
7 | 包工联产计酬责任制 | responsibility system of contracting jobs to workers with theirremunerationslinked to output quota |
8 | 零售企业进货业务管理 | retail enterprise management in purchases of merchandise |
9 | 国际商会仲裁法院仲裁规则 | Rules for the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration |
10 | 牺牲一部分佣金以达成交易 | sacrifice part of commission to put the deal through |
11 | 保护委托人权利的措施 | safeguarding of the principal’s rights;protection of the principal’s rights |
12 | 黑色冶金矿山安全和防尘 | safety and protection against dust in ferrous metallurgical mines |
13 | 标准型抽样检验 | sampling inspection based on operating characteristics |
14 | 国际收支的储蓄-投资分析法 | savings-investment approach to the balance of payments |
15 | 国防科技工业要为国民经济服务 | scientific and technical industries of national defence should serve the national economy |
16 | 科技人员业余兼职 | scientific and technical personnel taking concurrent post in spare time |
17 | 历史上剪刀差的变化 | scissors differential from a historical perspective |
18 | 国际价格剪刀差 | scissors gap between international prices;scissors movement of world market price |
19 | 技术转让使用范围 | scope of application of the technologies transferred |
20 | 社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济 | sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people |
21 | 社会主义全民所有制经济 | sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people |
22 | 使资金按照正确方向 | see that funds are used properly in the right order of priorities |
23 | 超计划交售粮食 | sell grain to the state over and above the prescribed quotas |
24 | 经营权与所有权分离 | separation of the right of management from the right of ownership |
25 | 生产设备投入使用的分期顺序 | sequence of putting individual units into operation |
26 | 基础性作用 | serve as the basic means(of regulating the allocation of resources) |
27 | 私设“小钱柜” | set up one’s own "treasuries" for no legitimate reasons |
28 | 各经济部门在国民生产总值中的比例 | share of different branches of economy in gross national product |
29 | 分担风险和亏损 | share risks and losses(by the parties to the venture) |
30 | 乡镇企业股份制 | shareholding system of township and village enterprises |
31 | 按投资的资金量来分享收入 | sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment by the state |
32 | 投资时滞 | shortfalls between the time of the investments put in fixed assets and that of their formation |
33 | 短期绵纺织品贸易安排 | short-term arrangement regarding international trade in cotton textiles |
34 | 短缺的短期周转资金 | short-term revolving funds for deficits(that arise in the process of the production of goods) |
35 | 附可转让提单的即期汇票 | sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached |
36 | 单项比价[农业与工业品的] | single party rate(of agricultural and industrial products) |
37 | 集体承包国营小型企业 | small state-owned enterprises may be run by the collective under contract |
38 | 凝结在商品中的社会必要劳动时间 | socially necessary labor time congealed in commodities |
39 | 技术后方专业化 | specialization of departments in charge of technological work in a factory |
40 | 报请主管单位备案或审批 | submit plans to the authorities in charge ofregistration or approval |
1 | certify a document;verify documents;scrutinize documents;check documents | 检查单据 | |
2 | regionalization(of the country’s agricultural natural resources) | 区划工作[农业自然资源] | |
3 | reproduction and circulation of aggregate social capital | 社会总资本的再生产和流通 | |
4 | research methods of the science of enterprise management | 企业管理研究方法 | |
5 | responsibility system according to the production line | 生产线小组责任制 | |
6 | responsibility system for publishing house directorship | 出版社社长负责制 | |
7 | responsibility system of contracting jobs to workers with theirremunerationslinked to output quota | 包工联产计酬责任制 | |
8 | retail enterprise management in purchases of merchandise | 零售企业进货业务管理 | |
9 | Rules for the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration | 国际商会仲裁法院仲裁规则 | |
10 | sacrifice part of commission to put the deal through | 牺牲一部分佣金以达成交易 | |
11 | safeguarding of the principal’s rights;protection of the principal’s rights | 保护委托人权利的措施 | |
12 | safety and protection against dust in ferrous metallurgical mines | 黑色冶金矿山安全和防尘 | |
13 | sampling inspection based on operating characteristics | 标准型抽样检验 | |
14 | savings-investment approach to the balance of payments | 国际收支的储蓄-投资分析法 | |
15 | scientific and technical industries of national defence should serve the national economy | 国防科技工业要为国民经济服务 | |
16 | scientific and technical personnel taking concurrent post in spare time | 科技人员业余兼职 | |
17 | scissors differential from a historical perspective | 历史上剪刀差的变化 | |
18 | scissors gap between international prices;scissors movement of world market price | 国际价格剪刀差 | |
19 | scope of application of the technologies transferred | 技术转让使用范围 | |
20 | sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people | 社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济 | |
21 | sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people | 社会主义全民所有制经济 | |
22 | see that funds are used properly in the right order of priorities | 使资金按照正确方向 | |
23 | sell grain to the state over and above the prescribed quotas | 超计划交售粮食 | |
24 | separation of the right of management from the right of ownership | 经营权与所有权分离 | |
25 | sequence of putting individual units into operation | 生产设备投入使用的分期顺序 | |
26 | serve as the basic means(of regulating the allocation of resources) | 基础性作用 | |
27 | set up one’s own "treasuries" for no legitimate reasons | 私设“小钱柜” | |
28 | share of different branches of economy in gross national product | 各经济部门在国民生产总值中的比例 | |
29 | share risks and losses(by the parties to the venture) | 分担风险和亏损 | |
30 | shareholding system of township and village enterprises | 乡镇企业股份制 | |
31 | sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment by the state | 按投资的资金量来分享收入 | |
32 | shortfalls between the time of the investments put in fixed assets and that of their formation | 投资时滞 | |
33 | short-term arrangement regarding international trade in cotton textiles | 短期绵纺织品贸易安排 | |
34 | short-term revolving funds for deficits(that arise in the process of the production of goods) | 短缺的短期周转资金 | |
35 | sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached | 附可转让提单的即期汇票 | |
36 | single party rate(of agricultural and industrial products) | 单项比价[农业与工业品的] | |
37 | small state-owned enterprises may be run by the collective under contract | 集体承包国营小型企业 | |
38 | socially necessary labor time congealed in commodities | 凝结在商品中的社会必要劳动时间 | |
39 | specialization of departments in charge of technological work in a factory | 技术后方专业化 | |
40 | submit plans to the authorities in charge ofregistration or approval | 报请主管单位备案或审批 |