属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 可接受的期限 | acceptable date;acceptable period;acceptable time;acceptable time limits |
2 | 偶然的交换行为 | accidental exchange(of products occurred between different clan communities) |
3 | 依法由合营各方的协议 | according to law in the agreement concluded between the parties to the venture |
4 | 汇总记帐凭证核算形式 | accounting form based on summary of original vouchers |
5 | 城镇集体企业公积金 | accumulation fund of collective enterprises in cities and towns |
6 | 生产资料用于积累和补偿的比例 | accumulation-compensation proportion in the means of production |
7 | 代办外汇投资 | acting as an intermediary for foreign currency investment |
8 | 把短期债款转为长期债款 | afford the possession of the site to sb.;give to sb. the possession of the site |
9 | 采购委员会 | authority to purchase(AP);authorizationto purchase(AP);letter of instruction |
10 | 采掘工业 | balance between tunneling and mining(in coal pits);ratiobetween cutting and tunneling |
11 | 存款保险 | bank savings;savings;credit;consign money(to a bank);deposits;bank deposits |
12 | 概算成本 | budget estimation;budget proposal;rough estimate;rough calculation;estimate budget;budget estimate;budgetary estimate;approximate calculation |
13 | 交通运输工程研究所[美国] | communication and transportation expenses;transportation and communication expenses |
14 | 把款项解入 | conversion of science and technology into productive forces |
15 | 货币贬值与折算程序 | currency devaluation;devaluation of currency;depreciation of money;depreciation;currency depreciation;devaluation |
16 | 财政指标 | Decision by Contracting Parties on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures |
17 | 非物质投入 | departments engaged in nonproduction;departments engaged in intellectual production;branches of nonmaterial production;nonmaterial production departments;nonproductive departments |
18 | 获得国际金质奖 | drawing on local or state foreign exchange reserves |
19 | 动态性组织图 | dynamically optimizing realignment of the work force |
20 | 非市场交易费用 | economic negotiations based on the nnmarket principle |
21 | 出口商品价格管理 | exchange-based cost for the export of products;cost of an export commodity in exchange for U.S. dollars |
22 | 动态广告 | exclusive agent;sole agent;exclusive factory sales agent;agent with exclusive right |
23 | 干部评级 | executive employment system;employment system of factory directors or managers |
24 | 财政资本寡头 | financial position;pecuniary condition;financial condition;financial situation |
25 | 基本零件清单 | fundamental quantity;base rate;prime rate;primary interest 基本量 fundamental magnitude |
26 | 搞好劳资关系 | improving the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises;doing a good job in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises |
27 | 把工程拖延减少到最低限度 | inform sb. about the changes in the program of works |
28 | 安装钻机[石油] | installation drawing;drawing for fixation;erection diagram;installation diagram;shop drawing |
29 | 国家标准化总局 | International Federation of the National Standardization Association |
30 | 高征购农产品 | large quotas for state requisition purchases at low prices |
31 | 获得批准 | make a profit;secure a profit;earn a profit;acquisition of profit;get a profit |
32 | 巴登苯苏打公司[德国] | Manufacturing Areas for Export Commodities in Pandan |
33 | 按比例计算的运费 | proportionate and speedy development of(the national economy) |
34 | 存货周转平均周期 | rate of inventory turnover;turnover ratio of inventories;inventory turnover ratio;rate of stockturnover |
35 | 斯尼亚人造纤维公司 | Società Nazionale Industria Applicazioni Viscosa SPA |
36 | 抽查查帐 | test audit;spot check;spot test;audit by test;test check;check by sampling;selective examination;selection check |
37 | 每吨按重量或体积计算由船方决定 | weight or measurement rates are based on one or the other |
38 | 西半球外贸及仲裁会议 | Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration |
39 | 世界工业和技术研究组织协会 | World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization |
40 | 发电设备年利用小时 | yearly utilization of generating equipment in hours |
1 | acceptable date;acceptable period;acceptable time;acceptable time limits | 可接受的期限 | |
2 | accidental exchange(of products occurred between different clan communities) | 偶然的交换行为 | |
3 | according to law in the agreement concluded between the parties to the venture | 依法由合营各方的协议 | |
4 | accounting form based on summary of original vouchers | 汇总记帐凭证核算形式 | |
5 | accumulation fund of collective enterprises in cities and towns | 城镇集体企业公积金 | |
6 | accumulation-compensation proportion in the means of production | 生产资料用于积累和补偿的比例 | |
7 | acting as an intermediary for foreign currency investment | 代办外汇投资 | |
8 | afford the possession of the site to sb.;give to sb. the possession of the site | 把短期债款转为长期债款 | |
9 | authority to purchase(AP);authorizationto purchase(AP);letter of instruction | 采购委员会 | |
10 | balance between tunneling and mining(in coal pits);ratiobetween cutting and tunneling | 采掘工业 | |
11 | bank savings;savings;credit;consign money(to a bank);deposits;bank deposits | 存款保险 | |
12 | budget estimation;budget proposal;rough estimate;rough calculation;estimate budget;budget estimate;budgetary estimate;approximate calculation | 概算成本 | |
13 | communication and transportation expenses;transportation and communication expenses | 交通运输工程研究所[美国] | |
14 | conversion of science and technology into productive forces | 把款项解入 | |
15 | currency devaluation;devaluation of currency;depreciation of money;depreciation;currency depreciation;devaluation | 货币贬值与折算程序 | |
16 | Decision by Contracting Parties on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | 财政指标 | |
17 | departments engaged in nonproduction;departments engaged in intellectual production;branches of nonmaterial production;nonmaterial production departments;nonproductive departments | 非物质投入 | |
18 | drawing on local or state foreign exchange reserves | 获得国际金质奖 | |
19 | dynamically optimizing realignment of the work force | 动态性组织图 | |
20 | economic negotiations based on the nnmarket principle | 非市场交易费用 | |
21 | exchange-based cost for the export of products;cost of an export commodity in exchange for U.S. dollars | 出口商品价格管理 | |
22 | exclusive agent;sole agent;exclusive factory sales agent;agent with exclusive right | 动态广告 | |
23 | executive employment system;employment system of factory directors or managers | 干部评级 | |
24 | financial position;pecuniary condition;financial condition;financial situation | 财政资本寡头 | |
25 | fundamental quantity;base rate;prime rate;primary interest 基本量 fundamental magnitude | 基本零件清单 | |
26 | improving the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises;doing a good job in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises | 搞好劳资关系 | |
27 | inform sb. about the changes in the program of works | 把工程拖延减少到最低限度 | |
28 | installation drawing;drawing for fixation;erection diagram;installation diagram;shop drawing | 安装钻机[石油] | |
29 | International Federation of the National Standardization Association | 国家标准化总局 | |
30 | large quotas for state requisition purchases at low prices | 高征购农产品 | |
31 | make a profit;secure a profit;earn a profit;acquisition of profit;get a profit | 获得批准 | |
32 | Manufacturing Areas for Export Commodities in Pandan | 巴登苯苏打公司[德国] | |
33 | proportionate and speedy development of(the national economy) | 按比例计算的运费 | |
34 | rate of inventory turnover;turnover ratio of inventories;inventory turnover ratio;rate of stockturnover | 存货周转平均周期 | |
35 | Società Nazionale Industria Applicazioni Viscosa SPA | 斯尼亚人造纤维公司 | |
36 | test audit;spot check;spot test;audit by test;test check;check by sampling;selective examination;selection check | 抽查查帐 | |
37 | weight or measurement rates are based on one or the other | 每吨按重量或体积计算由船方决定 | |
38 | Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration | 西半球外贸及仲裁会议 | |
39 | World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization | 世界工业和技术研究组织协会 | |
40 | yearly utilization of generating equipment in hours | 发电设备年利用小时 |