属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 以法人制度为依托 | (enterprises are)institutionalized legal entities(with effective autonomy in management) |
2 | 积累效果系数 | accumulation results coefficient 积累性增长 cumulative growth |
3 | 消费资料用于积累和消费的比例 | accumulation-consumption proportion in the means of consumption |
4 | 按标准设计建设 | commodity index for the standard international trade classification |
5 | 安装高度 | cost of erection;installation fees;installation charge;cost of mounting;mounting cost;cost of assembling;installation expenses;erection cost;cost of installation |
6 | 产品成本比较表 | production cost;product costs;output cost;cost of goods manufactured;cost of products |
7 | 安装设备利用率 | set equipment;install equipment;assemble equipment;erection unit;mount equipment;fit equipment;erecting equipment |
8 | 农副产品贩运 | transportation of agricultural and sideline products for sale |
9 | 系统与系统之间壁垒 | unbridgeable gaps between different industries and trades |
10 | 农产品的统购派购 | unified purchase of farm products by the state according to fixed quotas |
11 | 联合国定期船运费同盟管理规则公约 | United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences |
12 | 联合国班轮公会行动守则公约 | United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences |
13 | 联合国国际销售货物合同公约 | United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods |
14 | 联合国国际销售货物时效期间公约 | United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods |
15 | 联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会 | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
16 | 联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会 | United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East |
17 | 联合国工业生产指数调查表 | United Nations questionnaire on indexes of industrial production |
18 | 联合国标准国际贸易分类 | United Nations Standard International Trade Classification |
19 | 联合国世界知识产权组织 | United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization |
20 | 汇价波动上下限 | upper and lower limits of exchange rate fluctuation |
21 | 城市“窗口”行业 | urban "window" industries(representative and key industries) |
22 | 生产面积利用系数 | utilization coefficient of floor space for productive purpose |
23 | 社会总产品和国民收入的使用 | utilization of the gross social product and the national income |
24 | 等分值[商品总值的] | value of each of the equally divided units of the(total value of commodities) |
25 | 未经加工而装运的外购货物价值 | value of goods shipped in the same condition as received |
26 | 未经加工而销售的外购货物价值 | value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased |
27 | 投保各项保险 | various kinds of insurance coverage of(a joint venture)shall be furnished(by Chinese insurance companies) |
28 | 留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项基金 | various special-purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises |
29 | 违反企业规章制度 | violation of the enterprise’s rules and regulations |
30 | 国际上的通用的习惯用法 | ways and means have become customary(to other countries);appropriate means;currency(in international practice) |
31 | 归还对人民生活改善的部份欠帐 | what the government did for the people was a matter of introducing some of the long overdue improvements |
32 | 唱收唱付 | when receiving money from a customer and giving change salesclerk must articulate the amounts of money |
33 | 平均资金利润悬殊 | wide discrepancies between average profits on funds |
34 | 撤销集团 | wind up a consortium;ending of a consortium;winding-up of a consortium;liquidation of a consortium |
35 | 以…为条件 | with the proviso(that the shareholders still have final ownership right) |
36 | 退出集团 | withdraw from a consortium;retirement from a consortium;retire from a consortium |
37 | 劳动力退出商品交换 | withdrawal of labor power from the sphere of commodity exchange |
38 | 从付给承包人金额中扣除关税 | withhold duties out of the sums to be paid to contractor |
39 | 不符合技术要求的工作 | work which is not in accordance with specifications |
40 | 生产技术准备工作体制 | working system of technical preparations in production |
1 | (enterprises are)institutionalized legal entities(with effective autonomy in management) | 以法人制度为依托 | |
2 | accumulation results coefficient 积累性增长 cumulative growth | 积累效果系数 | |
3 | accumulation-consumption proportion in the means of consumption | 消费资料用于积累和消费的比例 | |
4 | commodity index for the standard international trade classification | 按标准设计建设 | |
5 | cost of erection;installation fees;installation charge;cost of mounting;mounting cost;cost of assembling;installation expenses;erection cost;cost of installation | 安装高度 | |
6 | production cost;product costs;output cost;cost of goods manufactured;cost of products | 产品成本比较表 | |
7 | set equipment;install equipment;assemble equipment;erection unit;mount equipment;fit equipment;erecting equipment | 安装设备利用率 | |
8 | transportation of agricultural and sideline products for sale | 农副产品贩运 | |
9 | unbridgeable gaps between different industries and trades | 系统与系统之间壁垒 | |
10 | unified purchase of farm products by the state according to fixed quotas | 农产品的统购派购 | |
11 | United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences | 联合国定期船运费同盟管理规则公约 | |
12 | United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences | 联合国班轮公会行动守则公约 | |
13 | United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | 联合国国际销售货物合同公约 | |
14 | United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods | 联合国国际销售货物时效期间公约 | |
15 | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | 联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会 | |
16 | United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East | 联合国亚洲及远东经济委员会 | |
17 | United Nations questionnaire on indexes of industrial production | 联合国工业生产指数调查表 | |
18 | United Nations Standard International Trade Classification | 联合国标准国际贸易分类 | |
19 | United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization | 联合国世界知识产权组织 | |
20 | upper and lower limits of exchange rate fluctuation | 汇价波动上下限 | |
21 | urban "window" industries(representative and key industries) | 城市“窗口”行业 | |
22 | utilization coefficient of floor space for productive purpose | 生产面积利用系数 | |
23 | utilization of the gross social product and the national income | 社会总产品和国民收入的使用 | |
24 | value of each of the equally divided units of the(total value of commodities) | 等分值[商品总值的] | |
25 | value of goods shipped in the same condition as received | 未经加工而装运的外购货物价值 | |
26 | value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased | 未经加工而销售的外购货物价值 | |
27 | various kinds of insurance coverage of(a joint venture)shall be furnished(by Chinese insurance companies) | 投保各项保险 | |
28 | various special-purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises | 留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项基金 | |
29 | violation of the enterprise’s rules and regulations | 违反企业规章制度 | |
30 | ways and means have become customary(to other countries);appropriate means;currency(in international practice) | 国际上的通用的习惯用法 | |
31 | what the government did for the people was a matter of introducing some of the long overdue improvements | 归还对人民生活改善的部份欠帐 | |
32 | when receiving money from a customer and giving change salesclerk must articulate the amounts of money | 唱收唱付 | |
33 | wide discrepancies between average profits on funds | 平均资金利润悬殊 | |
34 | wind up a consortium;ending of a consortium;winding-up of a consortium;liquidation of a consortium | 撤销集团 | |
35 | with the proviso(that the shareholders still have final ownership right) | 以…为条件 | |
36 | withdraw from a consortium;retirement from a consortium;retire from a consortium | 退出集团 | |
37 | withdrawal of labor power from the sphere of commodity exchange | 劳动力退出商品交换 | |
38 | withhold duties out of the sums to be paid to contractor | 从付给承包人金额中扣除关税 | |
39 | work which is not in accordance with specifications | 不符合技术要求的工作 | |
40 | working system of technical preparations in production | 生产技术准备工作体制 |