属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
1 | 管理工程信息管理系统 | administrative engineering information management system |
2 | 环境工程专家协会 | Association of Environmental Engineering Professors |
3 | 汇编程序语言指令置位转换器的CFO自动编码器 | CFO autocoder to assembler language instruction set translator |
4 | 汉字计算机辅助教学系统 | chinese computer-aided instruction system;chinese computeraided instruction system |
5 | 基于编译程序的程序设计环境 | compiler-based programming environment;compilerbased programming environment |
6 | 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体 | complementary high performance metal oxide semiconductor |
7 | 互补晶体管晶体管逻辑 | complementary transistor transistor logic;complementary tranisitor-transistor logic |
8 | 环境记录编辑统计程序 | environmental record editing and statistics program |
9 | 工程与科学联合协会 | Federation of Engineering and Scientific Associations |
10 | 获得重生(修理一新) | got a fresh lease of life;gotten a fresh lease of life;take a new lease of life;taken a new lease of life;took a new lease of life |
11 | 很可以说(有充分根据说) | had good reason to say that;has good reason to say that;may well say that |
12 | 挂虑某事(为某事担心) | have sth. on ones mind;have sth. upon on ones mind;have sth.upon ones mind |
13 | 互联存储器分层神经网络模型 | hierarchical neural network model for associative memory |
14 | 互联存储器组分层神经网络模型 | hierarchical neural network models for associative memories |
15 | 合成文字处理设备 | integrated word-processing equipment;integrated wordprocessing equipment |
16 | 国际标准化协议 | international standardized protocol;internationally standardized protocol |
17 | 后进先出存储器 | lastin firstout memory;push downstore;lastin firstout storage;lifo memory |
18 | 海底捞针(做徒劳无益的事) | look for a needle in a bottle of hay;look for a needle in a bundle of hay |
19 | 机器辅助检测分类 | machine assisted-detection and classification;machine assisteddetection and classification |
20 | 海洋惯导数据同化计算机 | marine inertial navigation data assimilation computer |
21 | 混合启动型人机对话 | mixed initiative man computer dialogue;mixedinitiative mancomputer dialogue |
22 | 鼓起勇气(奋勇) | muster up courage;pluck up courage;take courage;taken courage;took courage |
23 | 海军海图气象自动化设备 | naval oceanographic meteorological automatic device |
24 | 海军研究试验室试验性聚变装置 | naval research laboratory experimental fusion device |
25 | 鼓起勇气(振作起来) | nerve herself for;nerve himself for;nerve myself for;nerve ourselves for;nerve themselves for;nerve yourself for |
26 | 核能社反应堆物理学委员会 | Nuclear Energy Agency Committee for Reactor Physics |
27 | 核能责任权保险协会 | Nuclear Energy Liability Property Insurance Association |
28 | 管理程序可靠性信息系统 | program reliability information system for management |
29 | 光栅扫描式激光打印机 | raster-scan laser print;rasterscan laser print;rasterscan laser printer |
30 | 恢复知觉(恢复控制能力) | recover herself;recover himself;recover itself;recover myself;recover ourselves;recover yourself;recover yourselves |
31 | 关系数据机管理及处理子系统 | relational database machine supervisory and processing subsystem |
32 | 归基准记录 | return to reference;return-to-reference recording;returntoreference;returntoreference recording |
33 | 鼓形图象扫描数字化器 | rotate drum image scanning digitizer;rotating drum image scanning digitizer |
34 | 互锁设备安全微处理器系统 | safe microprocessor system for interlocking equipment |
35 | 互锁设备(装置)安全微处理器系统 | safe microprocessor systems for interlocking equipments |
36 | 固定台板式资料复制机 | stationary planter document copying machine;stationary platen document copying machine |
37 | 管理程序调用中断 | supervisor call sterruption;supervisor call interruption;svc interruption |
38 | 好坏都接受(毫无怨言) | take the good with the bad;taken the good with the bad;took the good with the bad |
39 | 基于三角划分的景深测量系统 | triangulation-based depth measurement system;triangulationbased depth measurement system |
40 | 怀奥明咨询工程师和测量员协会 | Wyoming Association of Consulting Engineers and Surveyors |
1 | administrative engineering information management system | 管理工程信息管理系统 | |
2 | Association of Environmental Engineering Professors | 环境工程专家协会 | |
3 | CFO autocoder to assembler language instruction set translator | 汇编程序语言指令置位转换器的CFO自动编码器 | |
4 | chinese computer-aided instruction system;chinese computeraided instruction system | 汉字计算机辅助教学系统 | |
5 | compiler-based programming environment;compilerbased programming environment | 基于编译程序的程序设计环境 | |
6 | complementary high performance metal oxide semiconductor | 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体 | |
7 | complementary transistor transistor logic;complementary tranisitor-transistor logic | 互补晶体管晶体管逻辑 | |
8 | environmental record editing and statistics program | 环境记录编辑统计程序 | |
9 | Federation of Engineering and Scientific Associations | 工程与科学联合协会 | |
10 | got a fresh lease of life;gotten a fresh lease of life;take a new lease of life;taken a new lease of life;took a new lease of life | 获得重生(修理一新) | |
11 | had good reason to say that;has good reason to say that;may well say that | 很可以说(有充分根据说) | |
12 | have sth. on ones mind;have sth. upon on ones mind;have sth.upon ones mind | 挂虑某事(为某事担心) | |
13 | hierarchical neural network model for associative memory | 互联存储器分层神经网络模型 | |
14 | hierarchical neural network models for associative memories | 互联存储器组分层神经网络模型 | |
15 | integrated word-processing equipment;integrated wordprocessing equipment | 合成文字处理设备 | |
16 | international standardized protocol;internationally standardized protocol | 国际标准化协议 | |
17 | lastin firstout memory;push downstore;lastin firstout storage;lifo memory | 后进先出存储器 | |
18 | look for a needle in a bottle of hay;look for a needle in a bundle of hay | 海底捞针(做徒劳无益的事) | |
19 | machine assisted-detection and classification;machine assisteddetection and classification | 机器辅助检测分类 | |
20 | marine inertial navigation data assimilation computer | 海洋惯导数据同化计算机 | |
21 | mixed initiative man computer dialogue;mixedinitiative mancomputer dialogue | 混合启动型人机对话 | |
22 | muster up courage;pluck up courage;take courage;taken courage;took courage | 鼓起勇气(奋勇) | |
23 | naval oceanographic meteorological automatic device | 海军海图气象自动化设备 | |
24 | naval research laboratory experimental fusion device | 海军研究试验室试验性聚变装置 | |
25 | nerve herself for;nerve himself for;nerve myself for;nerve ourselves for;nerve themselves for;nerve yourself for | 鼓起勇气(振作起来) | |
26 | Nuclear Energy Agency Committee for Reactor Physics | 核能社反应堆物理学委员会 | |
27 | Nuclear Energy Liability Property Insurance Association | 核能责任权保险协会 | |
28 | program reliability information system for management | 管理程序可靠性信息系统 | |
29 | raster-scan laser print;rasterscan laser print;rasterscan laser printer | 光栅扫描式激光打印机 | |
30 | recover herself;recover himself;recover itself;recover myself;recover ourselves;recover yourself;recover yourselves | 恢复知觉(恢复控制能力) | |
31 | relational database machine supervisory and processing subsystem | 关系数据机管理及处理子系统 | |
32 | return to reference;return-to-reference recording;returntoreference;returntoreference recording | 归基准记录 | |
33 | rotate drum image scanning digitizer;rotating drum image scanning digitizer | 鼓形图象扫描数字化器 | |
34 | safe microprocessor system for interlocking equipment | 互锁设备安全微处理器系统 | |
35 | safe microprocessor systems for interlocking equipments | 互锁设备(装置)安全微处理器系统 | |
36 | stationary planter document copying machine;stationary platen document copying machine | 固定台板式资料复制机 | |
37 | supervisor call sterruption;supervisor call interruption;svc interruption | 管理程序调用中断 | |
38 | take the good with the bad;taken the good with the bad;took the good with the bad | 好坏都接受(毫无怨言) | |
39 | triangulation-based depth measurement system;triangulationbased depth measurement system | 基于三角划分的景深测量系统 | |
40 | Wyoming Association of Consulting Engineers and Surveyors | 怀奥明咨询工程师和测量员协会 |