属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
1 | 神经细胞和神经纤维绝对不应期 | Absolute refractory period of nerve cell and nerve fiber |
2 | 胜红蓟黄镶脉花叶病毒 | Ageratum conyzoides yellow veinbanding mosaic virus |
3 | 肾上腺皮质肿瘤致醛固酮增多症 | Aldosteronism due to neoplasm of the adrenal cortex |
4 | 生物素-(丙酰-CoA羧化酶)连接酶缺乏 | biotin-(propionyl-CoA-carboxylase)ligase deficiency |
5 | 生物素-[甲基丙二酰-CoA-羧基转移酶]连接酶 | Biotin-[methylmalonyl-CoA-carboxyltransferase] ligase |
6 | 生物素-[甲基丙二酰-CoA-羧基转移酶]合成酶 | Biotin-[methylmalonyl-CoA-carboxyltransferase] synthetase |
7 | 生物素-[丙酰-CoA-羧酶(ATP-水解化)]连接酶 | Biotin-[propionyl-CoA-carboxylase(ATP-hydrolysing)] ligase |
8 | 生物素-[丙酰-CoA-羧酶(ATP-水解化)]合成酶 | Biotin-[propionyl-CoA-carboxylase(ATP-hydrolysing)] synthetase |
9 | 生物制品评价和研究中心 | Center of Biological Product Evaluation and Research |
10 | 神经肽酪氨酸的碳末端侧翼肽 | C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide tyrosine |
11 | 湿疹血小板减少反复感染综合征 | eczema-thrombocytopenia repeated infection syndrome |
12 | 肾小球滤膜内皮层 | endothelial layer of the glomerular filtra-tion membrane |
13 | 生长激素缺乏伴低丙种球蛋白血症 | Growth hormone deficiency with hypogammaglobulinemia |
14 | 生长激素以外的激素孤立性缺乏 | Isolated deficiency of hormone other than somatotropin |
15 | 生长激素不反应性综合征 | Laron syndrome see growth hormone insensitivity syndrome |
16 | 肾移植受者皮肤和皮下组织软化斑 | malacoplakia of skin and subcutaneous tissue on a renal transplant recipient |
17 | 肾小管最大对氨基马尿酸排泄量 | maximum tubular excretory capacity for paraaminohippurate |
18 | 肾小管最大磷酸盐重吸收力 | maximum tubular reabsorption activity for phosphate |
19 | 神经外科用移动式手术显微镜架 | mobile operation microscope carrier for neurosurgery |
20 | 神经氨酸酶缺乏伴β-半乳糖酶缺乏 | Neuraminidase deficiency with beta-galactosidase deficiency |
21 | 神经氨酸(苷)酶处理的绵羊红细胞 | neuraminidase-treated sheep red blood cells(erythrocytes) |
22 | 神经肌紊乱性颞下颌关节病 | neuromuscular disorders of temporomandibular articulation |
23 | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解试验 | neurosensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia |
24 | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解试验 | neuro-sensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia |
25 | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解测验 | neuro-sensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia |
26 | 神经内分泌型的小细胞肺癌 | non-small cell lung cancer with neuroendocrine properties |
27 | 神经细胞和神经纤维正常刺激反应 | Normal stimulus response of nerve cell and nerve fiber |
28 | 神经细胞和神经纤维正常强度-期间关系 | Normal strength-duration relationship of nerve cell and nerve fiber |
29 | 生酮与抗生酮物质比率(膳食) | ratio of ketogenic to antiketogenic substances(in diet) |
30 | 神经细胞和神经纤维相对不应期 | Relative refractory period of nerve cell and nerve fiber |
31 | 肾盂切开异物除去术 | Removal of foreign body of renal pelvis by incision |
32 | 肾结核对侧肾积 | renal tuberculosis with contralateral hydronephrosis |
33 | 肾-肛门-肺-多指(趾)-错构胚细胞瘤综合征 | renal-anal-lung-polydactyly-hamartoblastoma syndrome |
34 | 深腔软组织解剖剪 | scissors for dissecting soft tissues in deep cavities |
35 | 声反应录放灵敏度调节器 | sensitivity adjusting unit for sound recording and playback |
36 | 生物学与医学计算机科学会 | Society for Computer Science in Biology and Medicine |
37 | 施皮耳堡(氏)前额窦扩张及冲洗套管 | Spielberg’s dilating and irrigating cannula for frontal sinus |
38 | 施皮茨(氏)带软橡胶套的神经整形术用钳 | Spitzy’s forceps with soft rubber cover for nerve plastic |
39 | 身体各部位置和方向的(解剖)名词 | termini situm et directionem partium corporis indicantes |
40 | 肾小管对氨马尿酸最大排泌量 | tubular maximal para-aminohippurate excretory capacity |
1 | Absolute refractory period of nerve cell and nerve fiber | 神经细胞和神经纤维绝对不应期 | |
2 | Ageratum conyzoides yellow veinbanding mosaic virus | 胜红蓟黄镶脉花叶病毒 | |
3 | Aldosteronism due to neoplasm of the adrenal cortex | 肾上腺皮质肿瘤致醛固酮增多症 | |
4 | biotin-(propionyl-CoA-carboxylase)ligase deficiency | 生物素-(丙酰-CoA羧化酶)连接酶缺乏 | |
5 | Biotin-[methylmalonyl-CoA-carboxyltransferase] ligase | 生物素-[甲基丙二酰-CoA-羧基转移酶]连接酶 | |
6 | Biotin-[methylmalonyl-CoA-carboxyltransferase] synthetase | 生物素-[甲基丙二酰-CoA-羧基转移酶]合成酶 | |
7 | Biotin-[propionyl-CoA-carboxylase(ATP-hydrolysing)] ligase | 生物素-[丙酰-CoA-羧酶(ATP-水解化)]连接酶 | |
8 | Biotin-[propionyl-CoA-carboxylase(ATP-hydrolysing)] synthetase | 生物素-[丙酰-CoA-羧酶(ATP-水解化)]合成酶 | |
9 | Center of Biological Product Evaluation and Research | 生物制品评价和研究中心 | |
10 | C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide tyrosine | 神经肽酪氨酸的碳末端侧翼肽 | |
11 | eczema-thrombocytopenia repeated infection syndrome | 湿疹血小板减少反复感染综合征 | |
12 | endothelial layer of the glomerular filtra-tion membrane | 肾小球滤膜内皮层 | |
13 | Growth hormone deficiency with hypogammaglobulinemia | 生长激素缺乏伴低丙种球蛋白血症 | |
14 | Isolated deficiency of hormone other than somatotropin | 生长激素以外的激素孤立性缺乏 | |
15 | Laron syndrome see growth hormone insensitivity syndrome | 生长激素不反应性综合征 | |
16 | malacoplakia of skin and subcutaneous tissue on a renal transplant recipient | 肾移植受者皮肤和皮下组织软化斑 | |
17 | maximum tubular excretory capacity for paraaminohippurate | 肾小管最大对氨基马尿酸排泄量 | |
18 | maximum tubular reabsorption activity for phosphate | 肾小管最大磷酸盐重吸收力 | |
19 | mobile operation microscope carrier for neurosurgery | 神经外科用移动式手术显微镜架 | |
20 | Neuraminidase deficiency with beta-galactosidase deficiency | 神经氨酸酶缺乏伴β-半乳糖酶缺乏 | |
21 | neuraminidase-treated sheep red blood cells(erythrocytes) | 神经氨酸(苷)酶处理的绵羊红细胞 | |
22 | neuromuscular disorders of temporomandibular articulation | 神经肌紊乱性颞下颌关节病 | |
23 | neurosensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解试验 | |
24 | neuro-sensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解试验 | |
25 | neuro-sensory center comprehensive examination for aphasia | 失语症神经感觉中枢理解测验 | |
26 | non-small cell lung cancer with neuroendocrine properties | 神经内分泌型的小细胞肺癌 | |
27 | Normal stimulus response of nerve cell and nerve fiber | 神经细胞和神经纤维正常刺激反应 | |
28 | Normal strength-duration relationship of nerve cell and nerve fiber | 神经细胞和神经纤维正常强度-期间关系 | |
29 | ratio of ketogenic to antiketogenic substances(in diet) | 生酮与抗生酮物质比率(膳食) | |
30 | Relative refractory period of nerve cell and nerve fiber | 神经细胞和神经纤维相对不应期 | |
31 | Removal of foreign body of renal pelvis by incision | 肾盂切开异物除去术 | |
32 | renal tuberculosis with contralateral hydronephrosis | 肾结核对侧肾积 | |
33 | renal-anal-lung-polydactyly-hamartoblastoma syndrome | 肾-肛门-肺-多指(趾)-错构胚细胞瘤综合征 | |
34 | scissors for dissecting soft tissues in deep cavities | 深腔软组织解剖剪 | |
35 | sensitivity adjusting unit for sound recording and playback | 声反应录放灵敏度调节器 | |
36 | Society for Computer Science in Biology and Medicine | 生物学与医学计算机科学会 | |
37 | Spielberg’s dilating and irrigating cannula for frontal sinus | 施皮耳堡(氏)前额窦扩张及冲洗套管 | |
38 | Spitzy’s forceps with soft rubber cover for nerve plastic | 施皮茨(氏)带软橡胶套的神经整形术用钳 | |
39 | termini situm et directionem partium corporis indicantes | 身体各部位置和方向的(解剖)名词 | |
40 | tubular maximal para-aminohippurate excretory capacity | 肾小管对氨马尿酸最大排泌量 |