1 | 在1 | 1:100 catgut sterilized in a solution of iodine and potassium |
2 | 釉质发育不全-癫痫-智力迟钝 | amelogenesis imperfecta-epilepsy-mental deterioration |
3 | 粘膜相关淋巴组织B细胞淋巴瘤 | B cell lymphoma of mucosa as-sociated lymphoid tissue |
4 | 杂合m-t412(人-鼠)IgG抗CD4单抗 | chimeric m-t412(human-murine)IgG monoclonal anti-CD4 |
5 | 云杉卷叶蛾(虎尾松卷叶蛾)胞质型多角体病毒 | Choristoneura fumiferana cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus |
6 | 云杉卷叶蛾(虎尾松卷叶蛾)核型多角体病毒 | Choristoneura fumiferana nuclear polyhedrosis virus |
7 | 掌跖慢性水疱性皮炎 | chronic vesicular dermatitis of the palms and soles |
8 | 涨缩型髋臼(成形)锉 | diameter adjustable type acetabulum reamer for hip arthroplasty |
9 | 涨缩型股骨头(成形)锉 | diameter adjustable type femoral head reamer for hip arthroplasty |
10 | 樟蚕(日本天蚕蛾)胞质型多角体病毒 | dictyoplopca japonica cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus |
11 | 远端逆行性功能性右束支传导阻滞 | distal retrograde functional right bundle branch block |
12 | 娱乐生活方式失调 | Disturbance in life pattern associated with recreation |
13 | 与其他前节异常相关的青光眼 | Glaucoma associated with other anterior segment anomalies |
14 | 与非特异性眼病症相关的青光眼 | Glaucoma associated with unspecified ocular disorder |
15 | 愈创木酚甘油醚与溴氢酸美沙芬 | glyceryl guaiacolate and dextromethorphan hydrobromide |
16 | 与慢性炎性疾病相关的溶血性贫血 | Hemolytic anemia associated with chronic inflammatory disease |
17 | 与淋巴细胞增生性病症相关的溶血性贫血 | Hemolytic anemia associated with lymphoproliferative disorder |
18 | 与风湿病症相关的溶血性贫血 | Hemolytic anemia associated with rheumatic disorder |
19 | 与系统性红斑狼疮相关的溶血性贫血 | Hemolytic anemia associated with systemic lupus erythematosus |
20 | 与溃疡性结肠炎相关的溶血性贫血 | Hemolytic anemia associated with ulcerative colitis |
21 | 约-霍二氏主动脉狭窄手术用闭合钳 | Johns-Hopkin occluding clamp for coarctation of aorta |
22 | 约瑟夫逊(氏)多用途四极标测电极 | Josephson’s multipurpose quadripolar mapping electrode |
23 | 原发性单株高丙种球蛋白血症肾病 | kidney disease in essential monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia |
24 | 原子轨道-分子轨道(函数)的线性组合 | linear combination of atomic orbital-molecular orbital |
25 | 与弗兰德病毒相关性淋巴白血病病毒 | LLV-F Friend virus-associated lymphatic leukemia virus |
26 | 与躯体疾病相关的适应不良行为 | Maladaptive behavior associated with physical illness |
27 | 与肾小球肾炎相关的混合冷沉(淀)球蛋白血症 | mixed cryoglobulinemia associated with glomerulonephritis |
28 | 在大手术时ECG和血压监测 | Monitoring of ECG and pressure during major surgery |
29 | 粘膜相关淋巴样组织淋巴瘤 | mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma(MALToma) |
30 | 与非类固醇抗炎药相关的胃病 | Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated gastropathy |
31 | 与前庭系统病症相关的眼震 | Nystagmus associated with disorders of the vestibular system |
32 | 与嗜酸细胞增多症相关的肺浸润 | pulmonary infiltration(associated with)eosinophilia |
33 | 与子宫内装置相关的反应性细胞学改变 | Reactive cytologic changes associated with intrauterine device |
34 | 远侧桡尺关节囊状隐窝 | recessus sacciformis articulationis radioulnaris distalis |
35 | 脏腑辨证取穴法 | selection of acupoints according to visceral syndrome differentiation |
36 | 早期冷灌流和低温保存 | simple hypothermic storage with initial cold perfusion |
37 | 原子序数Z和原子量A同位素的符号 | symbol for isotope with atomic number Z and atomic weight A |
38 | 与约1伦琴/秒等量的X线强度单位 | unit of x-ray intensity equivalent to about one roentgen per second |
39 | 在某些血标本玻片上的标明的未知斑点 | unknown flecks noted on certain blood specimen slides |
40 | 与心房同步的心室抑制型(起搏器) | ventriculum inhibited synchronously with the atrium |
1 | 1:100 catgut sterilized in a solution of iodine and potassium | 在1 | |
2 | amelogenesis imperfecta-epilepsy-mental deterioration | 釉质发育不全-癫痫-智力迟钝 | |
3 | B cell lymphoma of mucosa as-sociated lymphoid tissue | 粘膜相关淋巴组织B细胞淋巴瘤 | |
4 | chimeric m-t412(human-murine)IgG monoclonal anti-CD4 | 杂合m-t412(人-鼠)IgG抗CD4单抗 | |
5 | Choristoneura fumiferana cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus | 云杉卷叶蛾(虎尾松卷叶蛾)胞质型多角体病毒 | |
6 | Choristoneura fumiferana nuclear polyhedrosis virus | 云杉卷叶蛾(虎尾松卷叶蛾)核型多角体病毒 | |
7 | chronic vesicular dermatitis of the palms and soles | 掌跖慢性水疱性皮炎 | |
8 | diameter adjustable type acetabulum reamer for hip arthroplasty | 涨缩型髋臼(成形)锉 | |
9 | diameter adjustable type femoral head reamer for hip arthroplasty | 涨缩型股骨头(成形)锉 | |
10 | dictyoplopca japonica cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus | 樟蚕(日本天蚕蛾)胞质型多角体病毒 | |
11 | distal retrograde functional right bundle branch block | 远端逆行性功能性右束支传导阻滞 | |
12 | Disturbance in life pattern associated with recreation | 娱乐生活方式失调 | |
13 | Glaucoma associated with other anterior segment anomalies | 与其他前节异常相关的青光眼 | |
14 | Glaucoma associated with unspecified ocular disorder | 与非特异性眼病症相关的青光眼 | |
15 | glyceryl guaiacolate and dextromethorphan hydrobromide | 愈创木酚甘油醚与溴氢酸美沙芬 | |
16 | Hemolytic anemia associated with chronic inflammatory disease | 与慢性炎性疾病相关的溶血性贫血 | |
17 | Hemolytic anemia associated with lymphoproliferative disorder | 与淋巴细胞增生性病症相关的溶血性贫血 | |
18 | Hemolytic anemia associated with rheumatic disorder | 与风湿病症相关的溶血性贫血 | |
19 | Hemolytic anemia associated with systemic lupus erythematosus | 与系统性红斑狼疮相关的溶血性贫血 | |
20 | Hemolytic anemia associated with ulcerative colitis | 与溃疡性结肠炎相关的溶血性贫血 | |
21 | Johns-Hopkin occluding clamp for coarctation of aorta | 约-霍二氏主动脉狭窄手术用闭合钳 | |
22 | Josephson’s multipurpose quadripolar mapping electrode | 约瑟夫逊(氏)多用途四极标测电极 | |
23 | kidney disease in essential monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia | 原发性单株高丙种球蛋白血症肾病 | |
24 | linear combination of atomic orbital-molecular orbital | 原子轨道-分子轨道(函数)的线性组合 | |
25 | LLV-F Friend virus-associated lymphatic leukemia virus | 与弗兰德病毒相关性淋巴白血病病毒 | |
26 | Maladaptive behavior associated with physical illness | 与躯体疾病相关的适应不良行为 | |
27 | mixed cryoglobulinemia associated with glomerulonephritis | 与肾小球肾炎相关的混合冷沉(淀)球蛋白血症 | |
28 | Monitoring of ECG and pressure during major surgery | 在大手术时ECG和血压监测 | |
29 | mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma(MALToma) | 粘膜相关淋巴样组织淋巴瘤 | |
30 | Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated gastropathy | 与非类固醇抗炎药相关的胃病 | |
31 | Nystagmus associated with disorders of the vestibular system | 与前庭系统病症相关的眼震 | |
32 | pulmonary infiltration(associated with)eosinophilia | 与嗜酸细胞增多症相关的肺浸润 | |
33 | Reactive cytologic changes associated with intrauterine device | 与子宫内装置相关的反应性细胞学改变 | |
34 | recessus sacciformis articulationis radioulnaris distalis | 远侧桡尺关节囊状隐窝 | |
35 | selection of acupoints according to visceral syndrome differentiation | 脏腑辨证取穴法 | |
36 | simple hypothermic storage with initial cold perfusion | 早期冷灌流和低温保存 | |
37 | symbol for isotope with atomic number Z and atomic weight A | 原子序数Z和原子量A同位素的符号 | |
38 | unit of x-ray intensity equivalent to about one roentgen per second | 与约1伦琴/秒等量的X线强度单位 | |
39 | unknown flecks noted on certain blood specimen slides | 在某些血标本玻片上的标明的未知斑点 | |
40 | ventriculum inhibited synchronously with the atrium | 与心房同步的心室抑制型(起搏器) |