属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
属类:医学术语 -医学词汇
1 | 引起家族黑蒙性白痴病的脑内神经节苷脂 | a ganglioside in the brain which causes Tay-Sachs disease |
2 | 由干扰阻滞引起的房室分离 | atrioventricular dissociation due to interference block |
3 | 意义未定的非典型子宫颈内腺细胞 | Atypical endocervical glandular cells of uncertain significance |
4 | 意义未定的非典型纤维母细胞 | Atypical fibroblastic cells of uncertain significance |
5 | 油松毛虫胞质型多角体病毒 | Dendrolimus tabulaejormis cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus |
6 | 营养缺乏性侏儒综合征和假性颅内压增高 | deprivation dwarf syndrome and pseudoincreased intracranial pressure |
7 | 婴儿结缔组织增生性幕上神经上皮性肿瘤 | desmoplastic supratentorial neuroepithelial tumor of infancy |
8 | 用神经破坏药物毁坏肋间神经 | Destruction by neurolytic agent of intercostal nerve |
9 | 用射频三叉神经节毁坏术 | Destruction of gasserian ganglion by radiofrequency |
10 | 应用冷冻破坏病损或结构 | Destruction of lesion or structure by cold application |
11 | 应用热毁坏病损或结构 | Destruction of lesion or structure by heat application |
12 | 用造影剂行诊断性放射检查 | Diagnostic radiologic examination with contrast media |
13 | 有药瘾母亲之婴儿撤药综合征 | Drug withdrawal syndrome in infant of dependent mother |
14 | 营养不良性大疱性表皮松解研究协会 | Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullose Research Association |
15 | 英日文机械翻译医学文献 | English-Japanese machine translation medical literature |
16 | 引流管内棉塞钳 | forceps for introducing cotton into the glass drains |
17 | 游离背阔肌皮瓣移植 | free latissmus dorsi myocutaneous flap transplantation |
18 | 有遗传学意义的(诱变辐射)剂量 | genetically significant dose(of mutagenic radiation) |
19 | 用于临床(信息)分析的医学资料(系统) | Medical Data(System for)Analysis(of)Clinical(Information) |
20 | 龈粘膜手术时附着龈过窄 | narrow zone of attachedgingiva in mucogingival surgery |
21 | 阴囊无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | Nonvenomous insect bite of scrotum without infection |
22 | 阴道无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | Nonvenomous insect bite of vagina without infection |
23 | 因地施护 | nursing a disease according to different environment |
24 | 营养性水肿伴毛发和皮肤色素沉着异常 | Nutritional edema with dyspigmentation of skin and hair |
25 | 营养性水肿不伴皮肤与毛发色素沉着异常 | Nutritional edema without dyspigmentation of skin and hair |
26 | 有荧光指示器的薄层色谱测量板用观察水银灯 | observing mercury lamp for TLC plate containing fluorescent indicator |
27 | 隐性局部性萎缩性大疱表皮松解 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans localisate |
28 | 隐性反向营养不良性表皮松解 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica inversa |
29 | 隐性营养不良性大疱性表皮松解 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic-Hallopeau Siemens |
30 | 由房室结折返的反复性心动过速 | reciprocating tachycardias due to A-V nodal reentry |
31 | 用未特指的动脉移植物行动脉瘤修复术 | Repair of aneurysm with graft of unspecified artery |
32 | 用静脉以外的移植物行颈动脉修复术 | Repair of artery of neck with graft other than vein |
33 | 用下肢静脉移植物行动脉修复术 | Repair of artery with vein graft of lower extremity |
34 | 有机液中水滴分离滤器 | separation filter for water drops from organic liquids |
35 | 音响设备操作员和电影放映员 | sound-equipment operators and cinema projectionists |
36 | 硬膜下出血由于产间缺氧或低氧症 | Subdural hemorrhage due to intrapartum anoxia or hypoxia |
37 | 游离肠段代喉咽及食道上段手术 | surgeical reconstruction of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus with free jejunum |
38 | 游泳池性咽结膜热 | swimming pool associated pharyngoconjunctival fever |
39 | 由节拍器记时的随意最大呼吸率 | voluntary maximum breathing rate timed by metronome |
40 | 荥输治外经 | Xing and Shuu points managing superficial disorders |
1 | a ganglioside in the brain which causes Tay-Sachs disease | 引起家族黑蒙性白痴病的脑内神经节苷脂 | |
2 | atrioventricular dissociation due to interference block | 由干扰阻滞引起的房室分离 | |
3 | Atypical endocervical glandular cells of uncertain significance | 意义未定的非典型子宫颈内腺细胞 | |
4 | Atypical fibroblastic cells of uncertain significance | 意义未定的非典型纤维母细胞 | |
5 | Dendrolimus tabulaejormis cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus | 油松毛虫胞质型多角体病毒 | |
6 | deprivation dwarf syndrome and pseudoincreased intracranial pressure | 营养缺乏性侏儒综合征和假性颅内压增高 | |
7 | desmoplastic supratentorial neuroepithelial tumor of infancy | 婴儿结缔组织增生性幕上神经上皮性肿瘤 | |
8 | Destruction by neurolytic agent of intercostal nerve | 用神经破坏药物毁坏肋间神经 | |
9 | Destruction of gasserian ganglion by radiofrequency | 用射频三叉神经节毁坏术 | |
10 | Destruction of lesion or structure by cold application | 应用冷冻破坏病损或结构 | |
11 | Destruction of lesion or structure by heat application | 应用热毁坏病损或结构 | |
12 | Diagnostic radiologic examination with contrast media | 用造影剂行诊断性放射检查 | |
13 | Drug withdrawal syndrome in infant of dependent mother | 有药瘾母亲之婴儿撤药综合征 | |
14 | Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullose Research Association | 营养不良性大疱性表皮松解研究协会 | |
15 | English-Japanese machine translation medical literature | 英日文机械翻译医学文献 | |
16 | forceps for introducing cotton into the glass drains | 引流管内棉塞钳 | |
17 | free latissmus dorsi myocutaneous flap transplantation | 游离背阔肌皮瓣移植 | |
18 | genetically significant dose(of mutagenic radiation) | 有遗传学意义的(诱变辐射)剂量 | |
19 | Medical Data(System for)Analysis(of)Clinical(Information) | 用于临床(信息)分析的医学资料(系统) | |
20 | narrow zone of attachedgingiva in mucogingival surgery | 龈粘膜手术时附着龈过窄 | |
21 | Nonvenomous insect bite of scrotum without infection | 阴囊无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | |
22 | Nonvenomous insect bite of vagina without infection | 阴道无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染 | |
23 | nursing a disease according to different environment | 因地施护 | |
24 | Nutritional edema with dyspigmentation of skin and hair | 营养性水肿伴毛发和皮肤色素沉着异常 | |
25 | Nutritional edema without dyspigmentation of skin and hair | 营养性水肿不伴皮肤与毛发色素沉着异常 | |
26 | observing mercury lamp for TLC plate containing fluorescent indicator | 有荧光指示器的薄层色谱测量板用观察水银灯 | |
27 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans localisate | 隐性局部性萎缩性大疱表皮松解 | |
28 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica inversa | 隐性反向营养不良性表皮松解 | |
29 | recessive epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic-Hallopeau Siemens | 隐性营养不良性大疱性表皮松解 | |
30 | reciprocating tachycardias due to A-V nodal reentry | 由房室结折返的反复性心动过速 | |
31 | Repair of aneurysm with graft of unspecified artery | 用未特指的动脉移植物行动脉瘤修复术 | |
32 | Repair of artery of neck with graft other than vein | 用静脉以外的移植物行颈动脉修复术 | |
33 | Repair of artery with vein graft of lower extremity | 用下肢静脉移植物行动脉修复术 | |
34 | separation filter for water drops from organic liquids | 有机液中水滴分离滤器 | |
35 | sound-equipment operators and cinema projectionists | 音响设备操作员和电影放映员 | |
36 | Subdural hemorrhage due to intrapartum anoxia or hypoxia | 硬膜下出血由于产间缺氧或低氧症 | |
37 | surgeical reconstruction of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus with free jejunum | 游离肠段代喉咽及食道上段手术 | |
38 | swimming pool associated pharyngoconjunctival fever | 游泳池性咽结膜热 | |
39 | voluntary maximum breathing rate timed by metronome | 由节拍器记时的随意最大呼吸率 | |
40 | Xing and Shuu points managing superficial disorders | 荥输治外经 |