属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-甜蜜点 独居之旅
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-环保政策 珊瑚礁化狂热
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雅芳在南非 化妆行业带来改变
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生态学 欢迎来到塑料圈
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生态 欢迎来到塑料星球
1 | 琳达在烹饪。 | Linda is cooking. | |
2 | 琳达昨天出走了,因为她父亲要她嫁给一个有钱的老头。 | Linda walked out yesterday because her father wanted her to marry a rich old man. | |
3 | 领养家庭给琳达送来了一大束鲜花,上面有一个卡片 | The adoptive family sent linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family" | |
4 | 玛丽经常给琳达使坏,直到琳达决定和她打架为止。 | Mary often picked on Linda until Linda decided fight hex. | |
5 | 麦洛,这是巴里·琳达他从好莱坞来访问我们 | milo, this is Barry Linda .he’s visiting us from Hollywood | |
6 | 猫头鹰的叫声不时打破寂静,使琳达心惊肉跳。 | The hooting of an owl broke the silence now and again, giving Linda the creeps. | |
7 | 你的影迷及朋友,唐琳达。 | Your fan and friend, Linda Tang. | |
8 | 你明天晚上去参加琳达的生日晚会吗? | Would you like to go to Linda ’s birthday party tomorrow night? | |
9 | 女性在词条里占了10%,是之前比例的两倍,其中包括伊丽莎白一世、达丝汀·史宾菲尔、琳达·麦卡妮(和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫。伍尔夫的父亲参加了这本词典第一版的编写工作。 | Women make up 10% of the entries-double the previous share-and include Queen Elizabeth I, Dusty Springfield, Linda McCartney and Virginia Woolf, whose father compiled the first edition. | |
10 | 其实,他们就需要学会知足常乐这一课。1987年,股市遭受重创,艾伦和琳达损失惨重。 | They needed to learn the lesson of abundance.Then the stock market crashed in 1987, and Alan and Linda lost a considerable amount of money. | |
11 | 如果有疑问,而你的申请又符合项目标准,请拨分机6815与琳达-康奈德接洽 | If you are not sure if your request is an eligible item please call Linda Conrad on Ext 6815 | |
12 | 事实上,她家附近还有一所学校--但是,琳达是黑人,而那所学校只招收白人学生。 | There was another school closer to home-but Linda was black and this school was for white children only. | |
13 | 天气渐冷,他们坐在琳达的小型壁炉面前,对着熊熊的煤火计划着怎样不顾一切地节省生活费用。 | When it became colder they would sit before Linda ’s small fireplace and its flaming coal, and plan audacious devices to foil the cost of living | |
14 | 为了庆贺我便买了一支冰淇淋坐到车里,开始读大女儿琳达寄来的信,她当时是大一的学生。 | To celebrate I bought an ice cream cone and sat in my car to read a letter from my eldest daughter linda , a college freshman | |
15 | 我叫唐琳达。 | My name is Linda Tang. | |
16 | 我们已经有一张沙发了,琳达。一张很好的沙发。 | We already have a sofa, Linda . a very good one. | |
17 | 我们正在吃晚饭,我的朋友琳达前来拜访。 | My friend Linda drifted in when we were having dinner | |
18 | 我知道所发生的事情间接涉及到琳达。 | I know Linda was only indirectly concerned in what took place. | |
19 | 在这个经常充满庸俗乐趣的世界中,他们刚刚对‘出类拔萃的人’的定义做了说明(琳达·伯德·弗兰克) | In this world of often tacky entertainment they have just witnessed the definition of a ‘class act’(Linda Bird Francke) | |
20 | 曾经,美国一个三年级学生琳达·布朗每天要穿过一个铁路调车厂,走很长一段路,才能到达位于堪萨斯州托皮卡市的学校。 | american grade 3 student Linda Brown had to walk a long way through a railway yard to get to her school in Topeka, Kansas. | |
21 | 这个被安全研究人员称为″琳达″的假人可以模拟一名怀孕后期妇女的身体状况,这一时期交通事故对未出生的婴儿来说非常危险。 | Known to safety researchers as ′Linda ′, this dummy simulates the body of a woman in the latter stages of pregnancy, when the risk of injury to an unborn baby is at its greatest. | |
22 | 这个提醒物出现在一个不太可能出现的地方- | The reminder emerged from an unlikely place: The Richard Nixon Library & birthplace in Yorba Linda , Calif | |
23 | 值此布朗判决50周年之际,琳达-布朗的母校建起了一座博物馆。 | To mark the 50th anniversary of the Brown decision, a museum was opened at Linda Brown’s old school. | |
24 | 最新的一个受害者叫琳达·富兰克林,47岁。 | The latest victim was 47-year-old Linda Franklin. | |
25 | 《森林的慰藉:针叶林中的木屋独居之旅》,Sylvain Tesson著,Linda Coverdale译。 | Consolations of the Forest: Alone in a Cabin in the Middle Taiga. By Sylvain Tesson, translated by Linda Coverdale. | |
26 | ||1:然而,要尽可能多地保留石油钻机塔的几率看起来很渺茫。||2:公众对此嗤之以鼻。||3:加州海上钻井塔没有一个已经“珊瑚礁化”。||4:激进分子引用一些科学家的研究结果,比如路易斯安娜州大学海洋学家詹姆斯·柯旺在研究同位素、组织热量密度及天然珊瑚礁与人工珊瑚礁上的生物胃内情况之后,得出结论,人工珊瑚礁不会为生物提供生活所需。||5:圣芭芭拉环境保护中心主要任务就是给反运动的法律诉讼存档,他们提倡完全移除石油钻井平台。||6:其首席律师琳达·科咯普认为废弃的建筑可能会破坏锚、珊瑚礁,甚至会释放有毒物质。||7:然而,她也承认完全移除这些平台也会对环境造成破坏。 | ||1:Yet the odds of preserving most oil-rig reefs look bleak.||2:Public opposition is robust.||3:Not one platform off California has been reefed.||4:Activists quote the findings of scientists such as James Cowan, an oceanographer at Louisiana State University, who studied isotopes, tissue caloric densities and the stomach contents of creatures from both natural and artificial reefs and concluded that the latter generate no extra biomass.||5:The Environmental Defence Centre in Santa Barbara, a group that files anti-development lawsuits, advocates the complete removal of oil platforms.||6:Linda Krop, its chief counsel, says that abandoned structures might damage anchors, rob natural reefs of fish and even leach poisons.||7:She does, however, acknowledge the environmental damage associated with complete removal. | |
27 | 琳达·斯科特(Linda Scott,音译)是牛津大学研究项目的带头人之一,她表示,那些直销人员谈起雅芳公司总会用到一些有宗教色彩的词,比如"救世"。 看来,在南林波波省这个地方,唇膏真的能改变生活。 | Linda Scott, one of the Oxford project’s leaders, says that reps spoke of Avon in semi-religious terms, using words like "salvation". South of the Limpopo, it seems, lipstick changes lives. | |
28 | 然而正如马萨诸塞州的伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的特雷西·明瑟以及伍兹霍尔海洋生物学实验室的琳达·阿马拉尔-赛特勒在《环境科学技术》上所说的,这类生态系统正在慢慢浮出水面。 | Such ecosystems are, nevertheless, emerging—as Tracy Mincer of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in Massachusetts, and Linda Amaral-Zettler of the Marine Biological Laboratory, also in Woods Hole, describe in Environmental Science and Technology. | |
29 | 是由马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的特蕾西·明瑟以及伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所海洋生物研究室的琳达阿玛拉尔-特勒联合提出的。 | in Massachusetts, and Linda Amaral-Zettler of the Marine Biological Laboratory, also in Woods Hole, describe in Environmental Science and Technology. | |
30 | “不!”护士长吼道,她抱着琳达的脖子,“我认为她可以做到的。” | "No! " barked the head nurse, who was wrapped around Linda ’s neck. "I think she can do it. " |