1 | 〞代达罗斯:著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者.〞 | Daedalus:a legendary artist and inventor , builder of the Labyrinth. | |
2 | 1931年一个星期日的早晨,拼字游戏发明人阿尔弗来德·伯茨对他妻子说:“早饭后让你看样东西,我想我发明了一种新游戏。”当时,他的发明还远未成熟。 | When the inventor of scrabble, Alfred Butts, said to his wife one Sunday morning in 1931, "Have a look at this when you’ve finished your breakfast...I think I’ve invented a new game", he still had a lot of perfecting to do | |
3 | Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。 | Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone. | |
4 | 爱迪生具有罕见的发明天才 | Edison had rare powers as an inventor . | |
5 | 爱迪生是一个极有才能的发明家。 | Edison had rare powers as an inventor . | |
6 | 爱迪生是一个伟大的发明家。 | Edison was a great inventor . | |
7 | 巴贝奇(1792~1871):英国数学家和发明家;曾在剑桥大学就读;约自1812年开始致力于研究能够计算数学表格的机械装置。 | Babbage, Charles (1792~1871): British mathematician and inventor , educated at Cambridge University, he devoted himself from about 1812 to devising machines capable of calculating mathematical tables. | |
8 | 比奇:美国编辑和发明家,他于1870年在纽约市百老汇大街下建造了一个气动地下铁道实物。 | Beach:american editor and inventor who built a demonstration pneumatic subway under Broadway in New York City in 1870. | |
9 | 伯林纳,埃米尔1851-1929德裔美国发明家,大大改进了电话并于1887年发明了留声机 | German-born American inventor who greatly improved the telephone and invented the gramophone(1887. | |
10 | 柴油机是以它的发明者狄塞尔命名的。 | The diesel engine was named after its inventor Rudolf Diesel. | |
11 | 成为卓越的发明家 | win [ reach ] eminence as an inventor | |
12 | 出版家,编辑,发明家,科学家,外交家,不管做什么,他几乎无所不能。 | Printer, editor, inventor , scientist, diplomatist: whatever the part, he seemed at ease in it | |
13 | 除了这些著名的人物外,还有一些不太知名的人,例如斯诺克台球的发明者、陆军预备役军人尼维尔·张伯伦。 | Alongside the famous names are lesser known individuals such asthe inventor of snooker, army reservist Neville Chamberlain. | |
14 | 传说,黄帝的史官、汉字的创造者仓颉,就生活在这一地区。 | According to legend, the historical chronicler of the Yellow Emperor and reputedly the inventor of the Chinese script Cang Jie used to live in this region | |
15 | 达盖尔:法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画. | Daguerre:French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints. | |
16 | 代达罗斯著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者 | A legendary artist and inventor ,builder of the Labyrinth. | |
17 | 但其发明者不懈努力,朋友们也不遗余力加以推广,到今天,这种检验英语文字真实能力的游戏已经家喻户晓。 | But the inventor of scrabble persisted, and friends helped him to promote it. Now this true test of English language skills has become very well-known | |
18 | 但愿我是个发明家 | I wish I were an inventor . | |
19 | 当一家公司通过向发明者或其他持有者购买而获得专利权时,购买价格应记到专利权这个无形资产账户。 | When a company acquires a patent by purchase from the inventor or other holder, the purchase price should be recorded by debiting the intangible asset account, Patents. | |
20 | 邓洛普:英国发明家,发明了充气橡胶轮胎(1887年). | Dunlop:British inventor often credited with the invention (c. 1887)of the pneumatic rubber tire. | |
21 | 第九条 布图设计专有权属于布图设计创作者,本条例另有规定的除外。 | Article 9 The exclusive rights in a layout-design belong to the layout-design inventor unless it is otherwise provided for in the Regulations. | |
22 | 第六章 对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人的奖励和报酬 | Chapter VI Rewards and Remuneration to Inventor or Designer of Service Invention-creation | |
23 | 第七十四条 被授予专利权的国有企业事业单位应当自专利权公告之日起3个月内发给发明人或者设计人奖金。 | Article 74 A state-owned enterprise or institution which has been granted a patent right shall, within 3 months as of the announcement of the patent right, award the inventor or designer a money prize. | |
24 | 第十二条 专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作出创造性贡献的人。 | Article 12 "Inventor " or "designer" as mentioned in the Patent Law means any person who has made creative contributions to the substantive features of the invention-creation. | |
25 | 第四条 受保护的布图设计应当具有独创性,即该布图设计是创作者自己的智力劳动成果,并且在其创作时该布图设计在布图设计创作者和集成电路制造者中不是公认的常规设计。 | Article 4 A protected layout-design shall possess originality, namely the layout-design is the product of the intellectual labour of the inventor , and the layout-design is not a standard design generally accepted by the layout-design inventors and integrated circuit manufacturers. | |
26 | 第一个用赛璐珞胶片拍电影的是美国发明家T·a.爱迪生。到1891年,他发明了一种电影摄影机,称为活动电影摄影机。 | The first man to use Celluloid film for motion pictures were the american inventor Thomas a. Edison. By 1891 the Kinetograph, a motion-picture camera, was developed. | |
27 | 对发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请,任何单位或者个人不得压制。 | No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non service invention-creation. | |
28 | 儿子不停的哭闹促使一位西班牙发明家设计了一种哭闹探测器,据他说,这种装置能在20秒内告诉穷于应付的父母孩子是饿了、烦了、累了、紧张了还是不舒服了。 | A Spanish inventor , intrigued by his son’s incessant crying, has designed a detector that he says will tell harassed parents within 20 seconds if their baby is hungry, bored, tired, stressed or uncomfortable | |
29 | 发明家突然想到,如果他在装置上再加上几个组件,问题就可以得到某种程度的缓解。 | The thought suddenly came to the inventor ’s mind that the problem would be moderated to some degree if he added a few more components to the device. | |
30 | 发明人伯茨最喜欢的变化是双袋法,即把元音和辅音放在两个不同的口袋里。 | Inventor Butts’s favourite variation is double bag Scrabble, with the vowels and consonants in separate bags |