属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-新冠病毒席卷美国小城市 口罩争议愈演愈烈
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-Mortgage以及其它和死亡沾边的单词
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-Mortgage以及其它和死亡沾边的单词
1 | “有的,有的,有死亡证明书。 | Yes, yes, the mortuary deposition | |
2 | 弗兰兹和伯爵拾级而下,发觉他们已站在了一个坟场的交叉路口。 | Franz and the count descended these, and found themselves in a mortuary chamber | |
3 | 古埃及有两种庙宇:祭祀庙以祭奉死去的国王,有一个小礼拜堂以供奉祭品;神庙则供有神像。 | Ancient Egypt had two kinds of temple: mortuary temples for the cults of dead kings, with a chapel in which offerings were presented, and cult temples that held images of deities. | |
4 | 骨灰瓮. | a mortuary urn | |
5 | 汉画像葬俗与早期民间群体行动动力机制研究 | A Study on the Mortuary Custom of Portraits in Han Dynasty and the Motivation of the Civilians | |
6 | 金字塔的其它部分包括大围墙、紧邻的神殿和通往拱厅的楼道。 | The rest of the pyramid complex consisted of a large enclosure, an adjacent mortuary temple, and a causeway leading down to a pavilion. | |
7 | 墓葬情境分析与身份标识:以博罗横岭山墓地为例 | Mortuary Contextual Analysis and Signals of Status: A Case Study on Hengling Mount (Henglingshan)Cemetery of Shang and Zhou Dynasties in Boluo County | |
8 | 墓幢-经幢研究之三 | Mortuary Pillars and the Cult of the Dead in T’ang-Sung China | |
9 | 尸体在停尸室存放的期限,6至9月份不得超过2天,其他月份不得超过3天。 | The time limit for the corpse to be stored in the mortuary is not more than 2 days from June through September, and not more than 3 days in any other month. | |
10 | 他在一个举行葬礼的家庭中呆了二星期以对他的新小说中的丧葬程序进行研究 | He spent a week at a funeral home researching mortuary procedures for his new novel | |
11 | 他在一个举行葬礼的家庭中呆了二星期以对他的新小说中的丧葬程序进行研究这个句子, | He spent a week at a funeral home researching mortuary procedures for his new novel | |
12 | 现代殡葬建筑空间艺术 | Space Art of Modern Mortuary Building | |
13 | 医疗机构对超过规定存放期限的尸体,经医疗机构所在地的公安机关同意后,可以代为移送殡葬馆安置,有关费用由死者家属承担。 | For any corpse which is stored beyond the above regulated time limit in the mortuary , the medical institution may transport it to the funeral house for cremation instead with approval of the public security organs in the locality where the medical institution is located; and all the related expenses shall be borne by the family member of the deceased. | |
14 | 医疗机构应当及时将病人尸体存放停尸室。 | A medical institution shall place the corpse of a patient in the mortuary in time. | |
15 | 医院的太平间通风排气装置出口应低于儿童病房的窗口 | (at one hospital the exhaust ventilation from a mortuary was discharged below the windows of a children’s ward). | |
16 | 葬仪. | mortuary rites | |
17 | 随着死亡人数的增加,斯普林菲尔德市太平间老板布莱恩·西蒙斯正在照顾死者,同时他48岁的女儿正在跟这种病毒作斗争。西蒙斯的女儿上周在该市一家几乎住满患者的医院用上了呼吸机。 | As the deaths increase, Springfield Mortuary Services owner Brian Simmons is caring for the dead as his own 48-year-old daughter battles the virus. Simmons’ daughter spent the past week hospitalized on a ventilator in one of the city’s nearly full hospitals. | |
18 | 但是让我们先不说婚姻的愉快想法,让我们回到death上来。法语单词mort让其它英语单词具备了死亡意义,像mortal(凡人),mortality(死亡率),mortician(殡仪业者)和mortuary(停尸房)这些单词。 | But let’s leave the happy thoughts of marriage and get back to death. The French term "mort" gives a deathly meaning to other English words – words like mortal, mortality, mortician and mortuary . | |
19 | 然而作为殡仪业者是一件严肃的事情。殡仪业者为死者下葬。他们还能帮助计划并组织葬礼。Mortician这个单词是由mortuary(停尸房)和ician这个后缀组合而成。 | Being a mortician, however, can be serious business. A mortician prepares dead people for burial. They also can help plan and organize funerals. The word mortician is a combination of mortuary , a place in which dead bodies are kept, and the suffix –ician, as in physician. | |
20 | “我不认为那些建造了这些“公寓”的人真正知道那些安葬墓穴就在附近”,Aldenderfer说。 | "I don’t think the people who built those ’apartment complexes’ actually knew that those mortuary caves were nearby, " Aldenderfer said. | |
21 | 《和尸体一起共眠的日子:殓房技术员生活的一年。》是她工作第一年的一本回忆录。 | "Down Among the Dead Men: A Year in the Life of a Mortuary Technician" is a memoir of her first year on the job. | |
22 | 今天看起来很怪异,但是学校停尸房却未见什么异常。 | It seems odd today, but there was nothing unusual about a school mortuary then. | |
23 | 殓房技术员工作的一方面包括为死者的近亲探视做好准备。 | Part of a mortuary technician’s job involves preparing the deceased for viewings by the next of kin. | |
24 | 论货币金融风险配置体系的结构与效率 | On Structure and Efficiency of MortUary and Financial Risk Collocation System | |
25 | 那天早上在太平间里,棺材已经被盖上了。 | At the mortuary that morning, the coffin had already been closed. | |
26 | 然后他透露他有个最近死去的33岁的女人冷藏在太平间,等着一个合适的配对到来。 | He then revealed he had a recently deceased 33-year-old woman chilled in a mortuary and was waiting for a suitable match to come along. | |
27 | 如果你们谁敢跟我耍花样,我现在就枪毙了他,他的家人可以等着到太平间里认领他的尸体。 | If you try any monkey tricks with me, I will shoot you right away, and your family can come and collect your body in the mortuary . | |
28 | 他们不允许我去停尸房看她。 | I was never allowed to see her at the mortuary . | |
29 | 我不在乎,站在这个停尸间面前,我感觉自己像个斗士一样。 | I don’t care. I’m feeling militant standing in front of this mortuary . | |
30 | 一个停尸间里,送来三具尸体,奇怪的是,他们的脸上都带着微笑。 | In a mortuary , sends three corpses, what is strange, on their face brings to smile. |