属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 72
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:倾盆大雨
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人非圣贤孰能无过
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:路上的短语
1 | 司机无视警察的警告,结果出了麻烦事儿。 | The driver ignored the policeman’s warning and got into trouble | |
2 | 司机想要控告撞他车子的人。 | The driver wanted to bring a charge against the one who hit his car. | |
3 | 司机因超速而受到申斥。 | The driver was told off for having exceeded the speed limit. | |
4 | 随后,赶象的人和大象继续往前走去,这六个盲人一整天都坐在路边为大象的事争吵不休 | Then the driver and the elephant moved on, and the six men sat by the roadside all day quarrelling about the elephant. | |
5 | 我毫不客气地告诉那出租车司机他开得有多差劲。 | I didn’t pull any punches in telling the taxi driver how poorly he drove.. | |
6 | 我骑到汽车前面下了车,把车放倒在车头前面的路上,这样他就开不走了。然后我对他说,我认为他这个司机太差劲了。 | I cycled in front of him, got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car in order that he couldn’t drive off. Then I told him what a bad driver I thought he was. | |
7 | 我想,我挡风玻璃全碎的情况下,司机是没有办法躲过这场意外的。 | I thought, there was no way the driver could have escaped the accident by the way the windshield had been broken. | |
8 | 我一到司机就来接我。 | I had hardly arrived before the driver came to pick me up. | |
9 | 我以最快的速度骑过去,看到黄色轿车里的司机正在红灯的地方等着。 | I cycled as fast as I could and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light. | |
10 | 显然,那人是被一辆车子辗过去了。附近的一辆车子挡风玻璃全碎了。我没看到司机,不过他可能也在车祸中受了伤。 | Apparently, the man had been run over by a car. Nearby a car had its windshield smashed to pieces. I didn’t see the driver , but probably the driver got hurt in the accident also. | |
11 | 想匆忙赶完得到驾驶执照的过程是不可能的。 | It was impossible to hurry through the process of getting a driver ’s license. | |
12 | 有一位妇女,是我想去工作的那个部门的老板,还有一位是将来我的同事,最后一位是公司的经理-就是女士们黄色轿车的司机。 | There was a woman who was the boss of the office in which I wanted to work. There was a man with whom I would have to work together and finally the manager of the company-the driver of the yellow car! | |
13 | 有一位是我想去工作的那个部门的领导,还有一位妇女她是培训部的头头,最后一位是公司的经理就是那位黄色轿车的司机! | There was the boss of the section in which I wanted to work. There was a woman who was the Head of the Training Department, and finally the manager of the company the driver of the yellow car! | |
14 | 有一小段时间他是一名出租车司机。 | He was, for a short time, a taxi driver . | |
15 | 在那个行业中,这位老人确实具有绝对的优势。 | In that business, the old man is really in the driver ’s seat. | |
16 | 在这段时间里,卡车司机不得不清扫那几百只破瓶子。 | In the meantime, the lorry-driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. | |
17 | 这司机对这场车祸应负有一部分责任 | The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the a standard | |
18 | 这位职员给他们帮了大忙。他叫来出租车把他们送到那家饭店去。饭店给出租司机付了车费,并把这笔账记在他们饭店的账单上。 | The official helped them a lot. He found them a taxi which took them to the hotel. The hotel paid the taxi driver and put the charge on their hotel bill. | |
19 | 著名的赛车驾驶员MalcolmCampbell爵士是第一个以超过三百英里的时速驾车的赛车家。 | The great racing driver , Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. | |
20 | ||1:例如,假如某位朋友发生了车祸,她受伤不重,但是车损严重。||2:当拖车司机来给她拖车时,她开始跟他交谈。||3:他们发现他们都喜欢旧车。||4:所以,他们打算在下周车展上见面。||5:很快他们就成为了好朋友。||6:当她给亲朋好友讲述这件事情的时候,他们通常都会说:塞翁失马焉知非福。 | ||1:For example, let’s say a friend of yours is in a car crash. She is not badly hurt but her car is too damaged to fix.||2:When the tow truck driver comes to take her car off the road, she starts talking to him.||3:They find out that they share a love of old cars.||4:So, they plan to meet the following weekend at a car show.||5:Soon they become great friends.||6:When she tells this story to her friends and family, they often say the same thing: Every cloud has a silver lining! | |
21 | 例如,人为错误通常是警察对可预防但意外发生的事故给出的原因。如果一辆火车因为司机睡着了而撞车,这种事故就是人为错误造成的。 | For example, human error is often the reason police give for a preventable – but unplanned – accident. If a train crashes because the driver fell asleep, that crash was caused by human error. | |
22 | 所以,这种尾板派对非常有趣。但是开车时有人跟车太近可不好玩。Tailgater是指跟车很近的司机。如果这不会让开车的你感觉生气,那它充其量只是一种烦恼。但是跟车太近也是非常危险的,经常会导致车辆追尾事故。 | So, that form of tailgating is fun. But it is not fun when someone is tailgating your vehicle. A tailgater is someone who drives much too close to the back of your car. At best, this can be a pain, if not making you, the driver , really angry. But tailgating is also dangerous and the cause of many rear-end accidents. |