属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 27
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:阳光
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:王牌
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:王牌
1 | 根据古老的传说,勋爵摊在考文垂人身上的税既重又不公平。 | According to an old legend, the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly. | |
2 | 很高兴没蒙受什么损失,虽然平底船有几分钟大祸临头。这是因为它船尾部分的载货太重了。 | Happily no injury was sustained, though the barge was several minutes in imminent danger. This was caused by her being too heavily laden in the stern. | |
3 | 即使大雨倾盆,他也总是拒绝带伞。 | Even when it was raining heavily , he refused to carry an umbrella. | |
4 | 令人失望的是,接近傍晚时,天开始下雨了。而且雨越下越大。这样一来,将会令天文学家大失所望。 | To my disappointment, it began to rain toward the evening. What’s more, it rained move and more heavily . In this case the astronomers will be exceedingly dejected. | |
5 | 那一年战争的阴影笼罩在人们头上。 | That year the shadow of war hung heavily over the people. | |
6 | 他们拿到的是些进行过大量“卫生处理”的文件。 | They were given heavily "sanitized" pieces of paper. | |
7 | 同时,要加调料,比如:盐,酱油,胡椒粉,香油,剁碎的大葱和生姜,调成你喜欢的味道。用力搅拌均匀。 | At the same time put in seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onions and ginger to get your favorite flavor. Stir them heavily for even mixture. | |
8 | 我在伦敦期间一直下大雨。 | Throughout the period I was in London, it rained heavily . | |
9 | 因为雨下得很大,他们决定不再去那儿。 | They decided not to go there because it rained heavily . | |
10 | 有两个因素对于工业界科学研究的成果产生巨大的不利影响。 | Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific in industry. | |
11 | 有两个因素对于工业界科学研究的成果产生巨大的不利影响。 | Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific in industry. | |
12 | 有人认为,严格的学院式考试和测验,对那些注重书本知识的小学和家庭中学术气氛很浓的儿童很有利。 | Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favor of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. | |
13 | 有人认为,严格的学院式考试和测验,对那些注重书本知识的小学和家庭中学术气氛很浓的儿童很有利。 | Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favor of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. | |
14 | 雨下得很大,他们发现田里已形成一条小溪,它蜿蜓穿过田野,正好流过他们的帐篷底下。 | It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! | |
15 | 专心致力于;全神贯注于 | Be deep in; be heavily involved in | |
16 | 埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)演唱了"Don’t Let Sun Go Down on Me." 而音乐团体第五维度希望阳光照进深陷越战的美国。 | Elton John sang "Don’t Let Sun Go Down on Me." And the musical group 5th Dimension wanted to let the sunshine in on a United States that was heavily involved in the Vietnam War. | |
17 | 在牌局中,当你牌不好又押得很大时,你就会虚张声势唬人(bluff)。这样做是为了使对手相信你拿到很好的牌,一定会赢。如果对手们被唬住了,他们就可能会退出这局。这意味着你就能赢得他们押的赌注。 | In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand. The idea is to make the other players believe you have strong cards and are sure to win. If they believe you, they are likely to drop out of the game. This means you win the money they have bet. | |
18 | 在牌局中,当你牌不好又押得很大时,你就会虚张声势唬人(bluff)。这样做是为了使对手相信你拿到很好的牌,一定会赢。如果对手们被唬住了,他们就可能会退出这局。这意味着你就能赢得他们押的赌注。 | In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand. The idea is to make the other players believe you have strong cards and are sure to win. If they believe you, they are likely to drop out of the game. This means you win the money they have bet. |