属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与shark相关的短语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:贸然投入
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:替罪羊
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与shark相关的短语
1 | 177. Marian Jones挺进跳远决赛。 | Marion Jones advanced to the final of the long jump . | |
2 | 奥林匹克的箴言是:“更快、更高、更强。”意思是每个运动员都应该努力跑得更快,跳得更高,掷得更远。 | The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” it means that every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher and throw further. | |
3 | 匆忙下判断 | to jump to a conclusion that... | |
4 | 当我坐下来开始动笔写的时候,其实我并没有真正开始。我起身削铅笔,接着又跳起来去拿纸,弄点水喝,然后又上厕所。 | Then when I sit down to begin, I simply can’t. I get up to sharpen my pencils, then I jump up again to get some paper, get a drink of water and then go to the bathroom. | |
5 | 每天早上6点30分,我听到闹钟后总是马上起床。我从床上蹦下来,朗读约15分钟的英语课文,然后洗脸、梳头、吃早餐、上学。 | The alarm clock rings at 6:30 o’clock every morning and I usually get up at once. I jump out of bed and recite English texts for about 15 minutes. Then I wash my face, comb my hair, have my breakfast, and go to school. | |
6 | 你不应对于发生的事情速下结论。 | You shouldn’t jump to conclusions about what happened. | |
7 | 你敢从那高墙上跳下来吗? | Dare you jump form the top of that high wall? | |
8 | 他必须跳过围墙才能回家。 | She had to jump over the fence to get home. | |
9 | 他们自问诸如此类的问题:我能跑多快?我能登多高?我能潜多深?我能游多远?我能屏息多长时间?我能举起多重的东西?我能跳多高 | They ask themselves questions like this, How fast can I run? How high can I climb? How deep can I dive? How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump ? | |
10 | 他跳过了2.39米这一高度。 | He cleared 2.39 meters in the high jump | |
11 | 韦斯特太太回忆说,“我当时很害怕出前门,人们会拥到你跟前,有人驾车路过,也会用手指一指这座房子。 | """I used to be afraid to go outside the front door,"" Mrs. West recalled. ""People would jump on you, and others would drive by in the car and point at the house. " | |
12 | 我还未婚,不要随便遽下断语。 | I am not married. Don’t jump to conclusions | |
13 | 我开始为赢得她的爱情而努力。在运动场上,我创造了自己的跳高记录;在个人卫生上,像有洁癖的人一样洗澡。但令人不解的是,虽然天天在学校见面,包括周末,我从来没与她交谈过。 | I began my conquest with a combination of sporting skill and hygiene: I made my jump shots and my baths as dazzling as they could be, Oddly enough, however, although I saw her every day at school and on the weekends too, I never spoke to her. | |
14 | 我认为你从洞里跳不出来。 | I don’t think you can jump out of the hole. | |
15 | 一声巨响使我跳了起来。 | A loud noise caused me to jump . | |
16 | Jump the shark这个短语出自美国电视剧Happy Days。这部电视剧于1974年首播,一直持续到1984年。 | The expression "jump the shark" comes from the American television show "Happy Days." This TV series was first broadcast in 1974 and continued until 1984. | |
17 | 除了跳水,跳板在其它情况下也很有用。跳板可以帮助你开始某项活动或进程。我们也能称之为起点,就像你跳下跳板一样。 | In addition to diving, a springboard is useful in other situations. A springboard can be something that helps you start an activity or process. We can also call this a jumping off point, just as when you jump off a diving board. | |
18 | 每周这个时候,美国之音都会讲述美国的常用词汇和短语。一些短语从体育赛事演变到日常生活中,fall guy(替罪羊)就是这样一个短语。替罪羊是指由他人决定成为输家或牺牲者的人。 | Every week at this time, the Voice of America tells about popular words and expressions used in the United States. Some expressions have made a jump from sports events to everyday life. One such expression is fall guy. A fall guy is the person who someone decides will be the loser or victim. | |
19 | 现在,to jump the shark是一个没有多大意义的成语,除非你知道它的来源。 | Now, to jump the shark is one of those idioms that doesn’t make much sense unless you know about its roots. |