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    译典分类展示:商务文书 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 “成本加运费”或“离岸加运费”价格 C&F Cost and Freight

    2 到岸加佣金价 cost,insurance,freight and commission

    3 电子商务 e-business;e-commerce

    4 飞机离岸价(用于紧急情况) F.O.B. plane

    5 巩固业务关系 to cement business relationship

    6 接受报盘 to accept an offer

    7 离岸加运费价 C & F( Cost and Freight);CFR

    8 离岸价 free on the Board

    9 贸易索赔 Business claim

    10 实/虚盘 Firm/non-firm offer

    11 外汇核销单 Foreign Exchange Management and Control Form

    12 要求赔偿损失 Claim for a compensation of the loss/damage

    13 余款结算 Settlement of Balance

    14 运输体系 transport chain

    15 装运港边交货价 Free alongside ship

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