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    译典分类展示:时事政治 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 部门编制委员会 departmental establishment committee

    2 部门常务训令 departmental standing instruction

    3 部门成本减省委员会 departmental cost reduction committee

    4 部门酬酢拨款 departmental entertainment vote

    5 部门存货查核小组 Departmental Stock Verification Team

    6 部门代表 departmental representative

    7 部门档案经理 departmental records manager

    8 部门档案室 departmental registry

    9 部门订购服务单(通用表格第220号) Departmental Order for Provision of Services [GF 220]

    10 部门订货单(通用表格第219号) Departmental Order for Supply of Stores [GF 219]

    11 部门福利主任 departmental welfare officer

    12 部门工作计划 departmental plan

    13 部门公务员建议书审核委员会 departmental staff suggestions committee

    14 部门合约雇员 departmental contract staff

    15 部门间调职 inter-departmental transfer
