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    译典分类展示:党政机关名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 省对外贸易经济合作厅(省外经贸厅) Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

    2 省劳动教养工作管理局(省劳教局) Provincial Reeducation-Through-Labor Administration

    3 省民族宗教事务委员会(省民宗委) Provincial Commission of Ethnic and Religious Affairs

    4 台州市工商行政管理局(工商局) Taizhou Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce

    5 台州市工商行政管理局黄岩区分局 Sub-Administration for Industry and Commerce of Huangyan District,Taizhou Municipality

    6 台州市广播电影电视局(广电局) Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Radio,Film and Television

    7 台州市机电产品进出口办公室 Taizhou Municipal Office of Mechanical and Electronic Products Import & Export

    8 台州市计划生育委员会(计生委) Family Planning Commission of Taizhou Municipality

    9 台州市计划与经济委员会(计经委) Planning and Economic Commission of Taizhou Municipality

    10 台州市解困再就业领导小组办公室 Taizhou Municipal Office of Anti-Poverty and Re-Employment Leading Group

    11 台州市经济体制改革委员会(体改委) Taizhou Municipal Commission for Restructuring Economic System

    12 台州市农村经济委员会(农经委) Taizhou Municipal Commission for Rural Economy

    13 台州市人民政府对口支援办公室 Counterpart Aid Office,Taizhou Municipal People’s Government

    14 台州市人民政府对外联络办公室 External Liaison Office,Taizhou Municipal People’s Government

    15 台州市质量技术监督局(质监局) Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

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