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    译典分类展示:党政机关名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 大气与噪声污染控制处 Air and Noise Pollution Control Division

    2 法纪检察处 Law and Discipline Division

    3 公诉厅 Public Prosecution Department

    4 固体废物与有毒化学品管理处 Solid Waste and Toxic Chemicals Division

    5 国家环保总局监理处 Division of Environmental Supervision and Management,SEPA.

    6 海洋环境保护办公室 Office of Sea Environmental Protection

    7 行政体制和人事司 Department of Human Resources and Institutional Affairs

    8 核安全和辐射环境管理司(国家核安全局) Department of Nuclear Safety and Radioactive Management (National Nuclear Safety Administration)

    9 环境监察大队(环监大队) Environmental Supervision Group

    10 监察局 Supervision Bureau

    11 监所检察厅 Prisons and Reformatories Procuratorial Department

    12 开发建设环境管理综合处 Comprehensive Division of Development Construction and Environment Management

    13 控申科 Prosecution and Appeal Section

    14 批捕科 Arrest Approval Section

    15 起诉科 Prosecution Section

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