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    译典分类展示:菜单名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 酱烩蛋 Boiled eggs cooked in soy Sauce

    2 酱瓤肚 Stuffed tripe in soy sauce

    3 酱油蟹 Crabs in soy sauce

    4 酱糟鱼 Fried pickled fish in soy sauce

    5 酱猪肘 Spiced joint of pork

    6 椒麻鸡 Spiced chicken with chili sauce

    7 金银蹄 “Gold and silver”leg of pig

    8 酒香鸡 Spicy chicken with wine

    9 焗苹果 Manzanasal Horno(baked apples)

    10 焗猪肝 Baked pig’s liver

    11 咖喱虾 Prawn curry

    12 咖喱鱼 Fish curry

    13 咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken,curried chicken

    14 烤大雁 Roast wild goose

    15 烤里脊 Roast fillet
