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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 给纳案 SONG: Receipts and Payments Section (under the Granaries Bureau “仓部”in the Ministry of Revenue“户部”)

    2 惠民药局 SONG-MING: Public Pharmacy (established in the central government and in units of territorial administration for the sale or sometimes free distribution of medicines to the poor)

    3 浑天监 TANG: Directorate of the Armillary Sphere (official variant of the name Directorate of Astrology“太史监”)

    4 浑仪台 SONG: Armillary Sphere Office (a subsection of the Astrological Service“太史局”)

    5 混堂司 MING: Bathing Office (a minor agency of palace eunuchs which prepared and assisted with the emperor’s baths)

    6 火器营 QING: firearms brigade (a unit of the Inner Banners “内旗”comprising guardsmen “护军”selected from various Banners)

    7 火药司 MING: Gunpowder Office (a unit under the palace eunuch agency called the Palace Armory“兵仗局”)

    8 货泉局 MING: Coinage Service

    9 机速房 SONG: Office for Emergencies (an agency to help maintain security of the emperor when he was campaigning)

    10 羁縻州 TANG-SONG: subordinated prefecture

    11 集书省 N-S DIV: Department of Scholarly Counselors

    12 集贤书库 SONG: Library of the Academy of Scholarly worthies

    13 集贤院 YUAN: Academy of Scholarly Worthies

    14 籍田署 N-S DIV (N.Wei): Sacred Fields Office

    15 记注案 SONG: Record Section

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