
    abet 对比 incite
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Incite】 , 【instigate】 ,  【abet】 ,  【foment】  are comparable when they mean to spur on to action or to excite into activity.

    Incite】 stresses stirring up and urging on; frequently it implies active prompting.

    Instigate】 , in contrast with incite】 , unequivocally implies prompting and responsibility for the initiation of the action; it also commonly connotes underhandedness and evil intention; thus, one may be incited but not instigated to the performance of a good act; one may be incited or instigated to the commission of a crime.

    Abet】 tends to lose its original implication of baiting or hounding on and to emphasize its acquired implications of seconding, supporting, and encouraging.

    Foment】  stresses persistence in goading; thus, one who incites rebellion may provide only the initial stimulus; one who foments rebellion keeps the rebellious spirit alive by supplying fresh incitements.

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