
    empower 对比 inspire
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    (1).中国译典 empower inspire
    扩展解释:v. 【法律专业】
    授权 ,转委
    1. 授权,准许[O2][H]2. 使能够
    1. 鼓舞,激励,驱使[(+to)][O2]2. 赋予...灵感,给...以启示,3. 激起,唤起(感情,思想等)[(+in/with)]4. 引起,产生;煽动,vi.1. 吸气,2. 赋予灵感
    vt. 【化学】
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 empower inspire
    To give permission, power, or the legal right to do something.
    To give someone more confidence and/or strength to do something, often by enabling them to increase their control over their own life or situation.
    To infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit; to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence; to disclose preternaturally; to produce in, as by inspiration.
    To infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence; to fill with what animates, enlivens or exalts; to communicate inspiration to.
    To draw in by the operation of breathing; to inhale.
    To infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing.
    To breathe into; to fill with the breath; to animate.
    To spread rumour indirectly.
    (3).牛津词典 empower inspire
    give (someone) the authority or power to do something
    make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 empower inspire
    To give authority to; to delegate power to; to commission; to authorize (having commonly a legal force); as, the Supreme Court is empowered to try and decide cases, civil or criminal; the attorney is empowered to sign an acquittance, and discharge the debtor.
    To give moral or physical power, faculties, or abilities to.
    to enable or permit; to give more opportunity for independent action.
    To breathe into; to fill with the breath; to animate.
    To infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing.
    To draw in by the operation of breathing; to inhale; - opposed to expire.
    To infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit; to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence; to disclose preternaturally; to produce in, as by inspiration.
    To infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence; to fill with what animates, enlivens, or exalts; to communicate inspiration to; as, to inspire a child with sentiments of virtue; to inspire a person to do extraordinary feats.
    To draw in breath; to inhale air into the lungs; - opposed to expire.
    To breathe; to blow gently.