
    exalt 对比 magnify
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Exalt】 , 【magnify】 ,  【aggrandize】  are comparable when meaning to increase in importance or in prestige.

      Exalt】  and  【magnify】 also come into comparison in their older sense of to extol or to glorify.

      In modern general use 【exalt】  retains its implication of lifting up but emphasizes a raising in a scale of values without necessarily affecting the quality of the thing raised. Therefore one exalts something above another or at the expense of another.

      Magnify】 stresses increase in size; it commonly suggests an agency (as an optical device) which affects the vision and causes enlargement of apparent size or one (as a vivid imagination) which affects the judgment and leads to exaggeration.

      Aggrandize】 emphasizes increase in greatness or mghtiness; it implies efforts, usually selfish efforts, directed to the attainment of power, authority, or worldly eminence.

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