A device to restrain speech, such as a rag in the mouth secured with tape or a rubber ball threaded onto a cord or strap.
An order or rule forbidding discussion of a case or subject.
A joke or other mischievous prank.
A convulsion of the upper digestive tract.
A mouthful that makes one retch or choke.
To experience the vomiting reflex.
To cause to heave with nausea.
To restrain someone’s speech by blocking his or her mouth.
To pry or hold open by means of a gag.
To restrain someone’s speech without using physical means.
The protruding part of an animal’s head which includes the nose, mouth and jaws; the snout
The mouth or the end for entrance or discharge of a gun, pistol etc., that the bullet emerges from as opposed to the breech.
A device used to prevent animal from biting or eating, which is worn on its snout.
A piece of the forward end of the plow-beam by which the traces are attached; bridle
An openwork covering for the nose, used for the defense of the horse, and forming part of the bards in the 15th and 16th centuries.
To bind or confine an animal’s mouth by putting a muzzle, as to prevent it from eating or biting.
To restrain (from speaking, expressing opinion or acting); gag, silence, censor.
To veil, mask, muffle.
To fondle with the closed mouth; to nuzzle.
To bring the muzzle or mouth near.