
    humiliate 对比 debase
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Abase】 , 【Debase】 , 【Demean】 , 【Degrade】 , 【Humble】 and 【Humiliate】 all mean to lessen in dignity or status.

    Abase】 suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or prestige.

    • I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees.

    Debase】 emphasizes loss of worth or quality and especially deterioration of moral standards. (see also: Debase】 vs Vitiate vs Deprave vs Corrupt vs Debauch vs Pervert )

    • Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship.

    Demean】 suggests unsuitable behavior or association as the cause of loss of status. (see also: Behave vs Conduct vs Comport vs 【Demean】 vs Deport vs Acquit vs Quit )

    • I wouldn’t 【demean】 myself by asking for charity.

    Degrade】 suggests a downward step, sometimes in rank, more often in ethical stature, and typically implies a shameful or corrupt end. (see also: Degrade】 vs Demote vs Reduce vs Declass vs Disrate )

    • When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn’t 【degrade】 himself like that.

    Humble】 frequently replaces 【degrade】 when the disgrace of a reduction in status is to be emphasized. (see also: Humble】 vs Meek vs Modest vs Lowly )

    • He was humbled by the child’s generosity.

    Humiliate】 implies the severe wounding of one’s pride and the causing of deep shame.

    • The party was humiliated in the recent elections.

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