
    inconsistent 对比 incompatible
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Inconsonant】 , 【inconsistent】 ,  【incompatible】 ,  【incongruous】 ,  【uncongenial】 ,  【unsympathetic】 ,  【discordant】 ,  【discrepant】  mean not in agreement with one another or not agreeable one to the other.

      (Except for this denial of reciprocal agreement or agreeableness, the first six words correspond to the affirmative adjectives as discriminated at CONSONANT , especially in regard to their specific implications.

      Discordant】  is more common than  【inconsonant】 when applied, in the sense of devoid of harmony, to things coming into contact or comparison with each other.

      Discrepant】  is often preferred to  【inconsistent】  in attributive use especially when a wide variance between details of two things that should be alike or consistent is to be suggested; thus, "two  【discrepant】  accounts of an accident" suggests more obvious differences in details than "their accounts are  【inconsistent】  ."  【Inconsistent】  is more frequent in predicative use.)

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