
    plot 对比 land
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 plot land
    vt. & vi.
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【法律专业】
    策划 ,地段,地区,图谋
    绘图[制];曲线,图表;= PLug On Terminator,插接式终接器; = Program LOgic Table, 程序逻辑表
    [C]1. 阴谋;秘密计划[(+against)][+to-v]2. (小说,戏剧等的)情节,3. 小块土地,4. 【主美】(建筑物等的)平面图;标绘图,vt.1. 密谋,策划[+to-v]2. 标绘,绘制...的图,3. 测定(点,线)的位置,4. 为(文学作品)设计情节,5. 把...划成小块地;划分[(+out)]
    Z 值图
    Flat surface between the flutes.
    (2).维基词典 plot land
    The course of a story, comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means. from 1640s
    An area or land used for building on or planting on. from 1550s
    A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device.
    A secret plan to achieve an end, the end or means usually being illegal or otherwise questionable. from 1580s
    Contrivance; deep reach thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
    Participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
    A plan; a purpose.
    To conceive (a crime, etc).
    To trace out (a graph or diagram).
    To mark (a point on a graph, chart, etc).
    To conceive a crime, misdeed, etc.
    The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water.
    Real estate or landed property; a partitioned and measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be erected.
    A country or region.
    A person’s country of origin and/or homeplace; homeland.
    The soil, in respect to its nature or quality for farming.
    A general country, state, or territory.
    realm, domain.
    The ground left unploughed between furrows; any of several portions into which a field is divided for ploughing.
    A fright.
    A conducting area on a board or chip which can be used for connecting wires.
    In a compact disc or similar recording medium, an area of the medium which does not have pits.
    The non-airline portion of an itinerary. Hotel, tours, cruises, etc.
    The ground or floor.
    The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; called also landing.
    In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, such as the level part of a millstone between the furrows.
    lant; urine
    To descend to a surface, especially from the air.
    To alight, to descend from a vehicle.
    To come into rest.
    To arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water.
    To bring to land.
    To acquire; to secure.
    To deliver.
    Of or relating to land.
    Residing or growing on land.
    (3).牛津词典 plot land
    a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful
    the main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence
    a small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening
    a graph showing the relation between two variables.
    a diagram, chart, or map.
    secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action)
    devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, film, or similar work)
    mark (a route or position) on a chart
    mark out or allocate (points) on a graph
    make (a curve) by marking out a number of points on a graph
    illustrate by use of a graph
    a state of Germany or Austria.
    put (someone or something) on land from a boat
    go ashore; disembark
    bring (a fish) to land with a net or rod
    succeed in obtaining or achieving (something desirable), especially in the face of competition
    come down through the air and rest on the ground or another surface
    bring (an aircraft or spacecraft) to the ground or the surface of water in a controlled way
    reach the ground after falling or jumping
    (of an object) come to rest after falling or being thrown
    (of something undesirable or unexpected) arrive suddenly
    cause someone to be in (a difficult situation)
    inflict (an unwelcome task or difficult situation) on someone
    inflict (a blow) on someone
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 plot land
    A small extent of ground; a plat; as, a garden plot.
    A plantation laid out.
    A plan or draught of a field, farm, estate, etc., drawn to a scale.
    Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one; a conspiracy; an intrigue; as, the Rye-house Plot.
    A share in such a plot or scheme; a participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
    Contrivance; deep reach of thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
    A plan; a purpose.
    In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means.
    To make a plot, map, pr plan, of; to mark the position of on a plan; to delineate.
    To plan; to scheme; to devise; to contrive secretly.
    To form a scheme of mischief against another, especially against a government or those who administer it; to conspire.
    To contrive a plan or stratagem; to scheme.
    Urine. See Lant.
    The solid part of the surface of the earth; - opposed to water as constituting a part of such surface, especially to oceans and seas; as, to sight land after a long voyage.
    Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
    Ground, in respect to its nature or quality; soil; as, wet land; good or bad land.
    The inhabitants of a nation or people.
    The mainland, in distinction from islands.
    The ground or floor.
    The ground left unplowed between furrows; any one of several portions into which a field is divided for convenience in plowing.
    Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.; real estate.
    The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; - called also landing.
    In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
    To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft; to disembark; to debark.
    To catch and bring to shore; to capture; as, to land a fish.
    To set down after conveying; to cause to fall, alight, or reach; to bring to the end of a course; as, he landed the quoit near the stake; to be thrown from a horse and landed in the mud; to land one in difficulties or mistakes.
    To pilot (an airplane) from the air onto the land; as, to land the plane on a highway.
    To come to the end of a course; to arrive at a destination, literally or figuratively; as, he landed in trouble; after hithchiking for a week, he landed in Los Angeles.
    To go on shore from a ship or boat; to disembark.
    To reach and come to rest on land after having been in the air; as, the arrow landed in a flower bed; the golf ball landed in a sand trap; our airplane landed in Washington.