
    reduce 对比 decrease
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    (1).中国译典 reduce decrease
    n. 【机械】
    vt. 【化学】
    1. 减少;缩小;降低,2. 使处于(某种状态);使化为,使变为[(+to)]3. 迫使[H][(+to)]4. 降服,攻陷,5. 使降级,使降职[(+to)]6. 把...归纳,把...归并[(+to)]7. 把...弄碎;把...分解;把...分析[(+to)]8. 使变弱,使变瘦[H][(+to)]9. 把...折合(成较小单位)[(+to)]
    v. 【法律专业】
    缩减, 减轻 ,降低,削减
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【机械】
    1. 减;减少,减小[(+in/to)]vt.1. 减;减少,减小[(+to)]
    1. 减少,减小[C][U][(+in/of)]2. 减少额,减小量[C][(+in/of)]
    (2).维基词典 reduce decrease
    To bring down the size, quantity, quality, value or intensity of something; to diminish, to lower, to impair.
    To lose weight.
    To bring to an inferior rank; to degrade, to demote.
    To humble; to conquer; to subdue; to capture.
    To bring to an inferior state or condition.
    To decrease the liquid content of food by boiling much of its water off.
    To add electrons / hydrogen or to remove oxygen.
    To produce metal from ore by removing nonmetallic elements in a smelter.
    To simplify an equation or formula without changing its value.
    To express the solution of a problem in terms of another (known) algorithm.
    To convert a syllogism to a clearer or simpler form
    To convert to written form (Usage note: this verb almost always take the phrase "to writing").
    To perform a reduction; to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment.
    To reform a line or column from (a square).
    To translate (a book, document, etc.).
    Of a quantity, to become smaller.
    To make (a quantity) smaller.
    An amount by which a quantity is decreased.
    A reduction in the number of stitches, usually accomplished by suspending the stitch to be decreased from another existing stitch or by knitting it together with another stitch. See Decrease (knitting).
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 reduce decrease
    To bring or lead back to any former place or condition.
    To bring to any inferior state, with respect to rank, size, quantity, quality, value, etc.; to diminish; to lower; to degrade; to impair; as, to reduce a sergeant to the ranks; to reduce a drawing; to reduce expenses; to reduce the intensity of heat.
    To bring to terms; to humble; to conquer; to subdue; to capture; as, to reduce a province or a fort.
    To bring to a certain state or condition by grinding, pounding, kneading, rubbing, etc.; as, to reduce a substance to powder, or to a pasty mass; to reduce fruit, wood, or paper rags, to pulp.
    To bring into a certain order, arrangement, classification, etc.; to bring under rules or within certain limits of descriptions and terms adapted to use in computation; as, to reduce animals or vegetables to a class or classes; to reduce a series of observations in astronomy; to reduce language to rules.
    To change, as numbers, from one denomination into another without altering their value, or from one denomination into others of the same value; as, to reduce pounds, shillings, and pence to pence, or to reduce pence to pounds; to reduce days and hours to minutes, or minutes to days and hours.
    To add an electron to an atom or ion.
    To restore to its proper place or condition, as a displaced organ or part; as, to reduce a dislocation, a fracture, or a hernia.
    To grow less, - opposed to increase; to be diminished gradually, in size, degree, number, duration, etc., or in strength, quality, or excellence; as, they days decrease in length from June to December.
    To cause to grow less; to diminish gradually; as, extravagance decreases one’s means.
    A becoming less; gradual diminution; decay; as, a decrease of revenue or of strength.
    The wane of the moon.