
    roily 对比 muddy
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Turbid】 , 【muddy】 ,  【roily】  are comparable when they mean not clear or translucent but clouded with or as if with sediment.

    Turbid】 describes something (as a liquid or, in extended use, an idea, affair, or feeling) which is stirred up and disturbed so that it is made opaque or becomes obscured or confused.

    Muddy】 describes something which is 【turbid】 or opaque as a result of being mixed with mud or with something suggestive of mud or which is merely mud-colored. In extended use the term carries a stronger suggestion than  【turbid】 of a dull, heavy, or muddled character.

    Roily】 describes something which is 【turbid】 and agitated.

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