
    vile 对比 low
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Base】 , 【low】 , 【vile】 mean contemptible because beneath what is expected of the average man.

    What is 【base】 excites indignation because devoid of all nobility or even of humanity; the term usually implies the setting (as through cowardice or avarice) of self-interest ahead of duty to others.

    What is 【low】 outrages one’s sense of decency or propriety. The term, when implying moral contemptibility, often suggests a taking advantage (as by cunning, deceit, or other devious practice) of a person who is helpless or not in a position to defend himself.

    Low】 also is often used of persons, thoughts, language, or actions that strongly offend one’s sense of propriety.

    What is 【vile】 is inexpressibly 【base】 or 【low】 ; the word often implies disgusting foulness or depravity.

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