
    End_with 对比 End_in
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • end in】 something

      1. (of things) have smth. at the end:

      • The fish resembles an eel with a broad head and a tail, which ends in a point.

      2. finally result in smth.:

      • Hegemonies are impossible, and attempts at them certain to 【end in】 armament races and finally in war.

      end with】 something

      1. = 【end in】 something 1:

      • The Phoenix Bird has shining eyes of blue, and its beak ends with a sharp point.

      2. = 【end in】 something 2:

      • With job alerts to keep you in the know, your job search is sure to 【end with】 a great new job.

      3. finish in smth.:

      • The millennium has ended with war and the 20th century has seen more deaths from war than ever before.

      4. finish by saying smth.:

      • I should like to 【end with】 reminding members of the purpose of this club.

      5. terminate smth.; put an end to smth.:

      • London will demonstrate that there is a new way to finish with terrorism.

      See also: end up in something / end up with something.


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