
    Immediate 对比 Direct
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Direct】 , 【immediate】 , as applied to relations and as meaning marked by the absence of interruption (as between the cause and the effect, the source and the issue, or the beginning and the end), are frequently used with little distinction, although their connotations may be quite dissimilar.

      Direct】 suggests unbroken connection between one and the other or a straight bearing of one upon the other, while 【immediate】 suggests the absence of any intervening medium or influence; thus, direct】  knowledge is knowledge gained firsthand, but immediate】  knowledge is that attained by intuition or insight rather than through inference from facts or premises; direct】  contact stresses the bearing of one thing upon the other, but 【immediate】 contact implies the coherence or cohesion of one and the other; 【direct】 descent implies descent in a straight line from an ancestor; one′s 【immediate】 family is composed only of those who are the nearest in relation, or one′s father, mother, brothers, and sisters; a direct】  cause leads straight to its effect, but an 【immediate】 cause (which may or may not be the 【direct】 cause) is the one which serves as the last link in a chain of causes and brings about a result.

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