
    Life_everlasting 对比 Everlasting_life
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    • everlasting lifelife after death:

      • To make this 【everlasting life】 as comfortable as possible, the spirit called upon the magical aids and implements provided in its earthly tomb.

      life everlasting

      1. an American plant (Anaphalis margaritacea) grown for ornament:

      • Life everlasting】 grows under the table, and blackberry vines run round its legs.

      2. American cudweed (Antennaria margaritacea):

      • Life everlasting】 is used in many folk remedies for catarrh; also chewed and smoked by boys.

      3. = 【everlasting life】 :

      • I want to believe in 【life everlasting】 . At death none of us has exhausted all our possibilities, and I want to go on.
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