
    adopt 对比 embrace
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    • Adopt】 , 【embrace and espouse mean in common to make one′s own what in some fashion one owes to another.

      One adopts something of which one is not the begetter, inventor, or author or which is not one′s own naturally.

      • adopt】 the style of Swinburne
      • adopt】 the British pronunciation of a word
      • the Ralstons gave up old customs reluctantly, but once they had adopted a new one they found it impossible to understand why everyone else did not immediately do likewise

      Embrace】 implies willingness to accept or it may suggest eager or joyful acceptance.

      • embrace】 an opportunity
      • embrace】 Christianity
      • she embraced with ardor the fantastic ideal of the cleaning up of England
        Rose Macaulayy

      One espouses that to which one attaches oneself as closely as to a wife, giving it support or sharing the same fortunes and participating in the same experiences.

      • espouse a friend′s quarrel
      • the spirit of uncompromising individualism that would eventually espouse the principle of democracy in church and state
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