
    adore 对比 idolize
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  • Adore】 , 【worshipand 【idolize】 in their nonreligious senses mean to love or admire excessively.

    Adore】 commonly implies emotional surrender to the charms or attractions of an object of love or admiration; it often connotes extreme adulation if the object of love is a person.

    • this inability . . . to project his personality is a serious weakness in a country which likes to 【adore】 its leaders

    With other objects it may connote no more than a hearty liking.

    • like gourmets and yellow flies, sows 【adore】 eating truffles

    Worship】 usually implies more extravagant admiration or more servile attentions than adore】 ; it also commonly connotes an awareness of one’s own inferiority or of one’s distance from the object of one’s love.

    • he worships his wife
    • small boys who 【worship】 astronauts

    Idolize】 often implies absurdly excessive admiration or doting love.

    • idolizing money in life and poetry
      —New School Bulletin

    Sometimes, however, it comes very close to adore】 .

    • a spoiled child is often one that has been idolized by his parents

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