
    agnate 对比 enate
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 agnate enate
    扩展解释:【医学】 【中医】
    同系的; 父系亲属
    出生的; 母系的,; 母系亲戚
    (2).维基词典 agnate enate
    A relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family.
    Any paternal male relative.
    Related to someone by male connections or on the paternal side of the family.
    allied; akin
    Having a similar semantic meaning.
    A relative whose relation is traced only through female members of the family.
    Any maternal female relative.
    Related to someone by female connections.
    Related on the maternal side of the family.
    Having identical grammatical structure (but with elements that are semantically different).
    Growing out.
    (3).牛津词典 agnate enate
    a person descended from the same male ancestor as another specified or implied person, especially through the male line
    descended from the same male ancestor as another specified or implied person, especially through the male line.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 agnate enate
    Related or akin by the father’s side; also, sprung from the same male ancestor; as, agnate brother: a brother having the same father, but a different mother; in ths sense it is a correlative of uterine.
    Allied; akin.
    A relative whose relationship can be traced exclusively through males.
    Growing out.