
    agriculture 对比 farming
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Agriculture】 , 【Farming, and 【Husbandry】 all mean the science or the business of raising plants and animals useful to man.

      Agriculture】 is by far the most comprehensive of these terms; in common with 【farming】 and 【husbandry】 it implies the cultivation of the soil, the production and harvesting of crops, the care and breeding of livestock; it includes in addition other pursuits that may or may not be connected with 【farming】 and 【husbandry】 such as horticulture, forestry, dairying, sugar making, and beekeeping.

      • The number of people employed in 【agriculture】 has fallen in the last decade.

      It often stresses the technological as contrasted with the traditional aspects of such activities and may include in varying degrees the preparation of agricultural products for man′s use.

      • The Ukraine is strong both in industry and 【agriculture】 .

      Farming】 , the term in common use, emphasizes land devoted to the production of crops or animals for the market; it may imply small or extensive holdings, but it usually suggests the inclusion of tilled land bearing crops, of pastureland for cattle, and of meadowland for hay.

      • Modern 【farming】 methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.
        Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of 【farming】 .

      Husbandry】 usually suggests small holdings and production for the use of a household or community rather than for a distant market.

      • They depended on animal 【husbandry】 for their livelihood.
      • Animal 【husbandry】 on the grassland is developing rapidly.

      It often suggests more varied employments than 【farming】 (as dairying or beekeeping) and often denotes management of a particular branch of 【farming】 .

      • animal/crop 【husbandry
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