
    army 对比 soldier
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 army soldier
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    [C][G]1. 军队2. 陆军;军团3. 大群;大批[(+of)]4. 团体
    n. 【计算机】
    n. 【法律专业】
    兵 ,部队,军,军,军队,陆军
    [C]1. (陆军)兵,士兵,2. 军人;军事家,3. (为事业或主义而奋斗的)战士,斗士,4. 【昆】兵蚁,5. 逃避工作者;懒汉,6. 【口】一片烤面包,7. 黑手党组织最低阶层分子;犯罪组织头目的亲信,vi.1. 当兵,服兵役,2. 坚持干[(+on)]3. 【口】磨洋工,4. 假称害病
    n. 【法律专业】
    兵 ,军人
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 army soldier
    A large, highly organized military force, concerned mainly with ground (rather than air or naval) operations.
    Used absolutely for that entire branch of the armed forces.
    The governmental agency in charge of a state’s army.
    A large group of people working toward the same purpose.
    A large group of social animals working toward the same purpose.
    Any multitude.
    A member of an army, of any rank.
    A private in military service, as distinguished from an officer.
    A guardsman.
    A member of the Salvation Army.
    A piece of buttered bread (or toast), cut into a long thin strip for dipping into a soft-boiled egg.
    A term of affection for a young boy.
    Someone who fights or toils well.
    The red or cuckoo gurnard (ver=160924).
    One of the asexual polymorphic forms of termites, in which the head and jaws are very large and strong. The soldiers serve to defend the nest.
    To continue steadfast; to keep striving.
    To serve a soldier.
    To intentionally restrict labor productivity; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 army soldier
    A collection or body of men armed for war, esp. one organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions, under proper officers.
    A body of persons organized for the advancement of a cause; as, the Blue Ribbon Army.
    A great number; a vast multitude; a host.
    One who is engaged in military service as an officer or a private; one who serves in an army; one of an organized body of combatants.
    Especially, a private in military service, as distinguished from an officer.
    A brave warrior; a man of military experience and skill, or a man of distinguished valor; - used by way of emphasis or distinction.
    The red or cuckoo gurnard (Trigla pini.
    One of the asexual polymorphic forms of white ants, or termites, in which the head and jaws are very large and strong. The soldiers serve to defend the nest. See Termite.
    To serve as a soldier.
    To make a pretense of doing something, or of performing any task.