
    articulation 对比 enunciation
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 articulation enunciation
    Assembly enabling the blade to pivot on the end of the arm so that it adapts to the curvature of the...
    关节, 活节铰
    【医学】 【中医】
    1. (清楚的)发音;发出的(辅)音;发音动作2. 连接接合3. (骨头等的)关节4. 【植】节5. 【无】清晰度
    扩展解释:n. 【计算机】
    清晰的发音; 表明;宣言
    (2).维基词典 articulation enunciation
    A joint or the collection of joints at which something is articulated, or hinged, for bending.
    A manner or method by which elements of a system are connected.
    The quality, clarity or sharpness of speech.
    The manner in which a phoneme is pronounced.
    The manner in which something is articulated (tongued, slurred or bowed).
    The interrelation and congruence of the flow of data between financial statements of an entity, especially between the income statement and balance sheet.
    The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known; open attestation; declaration.
    Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation.
    That which is enunciated or announced; words in which a proposition is expressed; formal declaration
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 articulation enunciation
    A joint or juncture between bones in the skeleton.
    The connection of the parts of a plant by joints, as in pods.
    The act of putting together with a joint or joints; any meeting of parts in a joint.
    The state of being jointed; connection of parts.
    The utterance of the elementary sounds of a language by the appropriate movements of the organs, as in pronunciation; as, a distinct articulation.
    A sound made by the vocal organs; an articulate utterance or an elementary sound, esp. a consonant.
    The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known; open attestation; declaration; as, the enunciation of an important truth.
    Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation; as, to speak with a clear or impressive enunciation.
    That which is enunciated or announced; words in which a proposition is expressed; an announcement; a formal declaration; a statement.