
    avarice 对比 greed
    分析 词典对比 组词对比

    • Cupidity】 , 【greed】 , 【rapacity】 , 【avarice】 are comparable when meaning intense desire for wealth or possessions.

      Cupidity】 stresses the intensity and compelling nature of the desire and often suggests covetousness as well.

      Greed】 , more than cupidity】 , implies a controlling passion; it suggests not strong but inordinate desire, and it commonly connotes meanness as well as covetousness.

      Rapacity】  implies both 【cupidity】 and actual seizing or snatching not only of what one especially desires but of anything that will satisfy one′s 【greed】 for money or property; it often suggests extortion, plunder, or oppressive exactions.

      Avarice】 , although it involves the idea of 【cupidity】 and often carries a strong suggestion of 【rapacity】 , stresses that of miserliness and implies both an unwillingness to let go whatever wealth or property one has acquired and an insatiable 【greed】 for more.

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