
    baffle 对比 foil
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Frustrate】 , 【thwart】 ,  【foil】 ,  【baffle】 ,  【balk】 ,  【circumvent】 ,  【outwit】  mean either to defeat a person attempting or hoping to achieve an end or satisfy a desire or, in some cases, to defeat another’s desire.

    To  【frustrate】 is to make vain or ineffectual all efforts, however feeble or however vigorous, to fulfill one’s intention or desire.

    To  【thwart】 is to 【frustrate】 especially by crossing or running counter to someone or something making headway.

    Foil】 commonly implies a blocking or turning aside that makes further effort difficult or destroys one’s inclination to proceed further.

    To  【baffle】  is to 【frustrate】 especially by confusing or puzzling; to balk】 , by interposing obstacles or hindrances.

    Circumvent】  implies frustration by stratagem; outwit】 , by craft or cunning.

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