
    beast 对比 monster
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 beast monster
    [C]1. 兽野兽2. (体大的四足)动物3. 粗暴(或凶残蠢笨卑劣)的人畜生4. 兽性[the S]
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    n. 【经贸】
    [C]1. 怪物,妖怪,2. 【口】巨人;巨兽;巨大的东西,3. 凶恶的人,残忍的人,魔鬼般的人,a.1. 巨大的,庞大的[Z][B]
    (2).维基词典 beast monster
    Any animal other than a human; usually only applied to land vertebrates, especially large or dangerous four-footed ones.
    (more specific) A domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal.
    A person who behaves in a violent, antisocial or uncivilized manner.
    A large or impressive thing or structure.
    Someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically.
    A sex offender.
    Something unpleasant and difficult.
    A thing or matter, especially a difficult or unruly one.
    to impose arduous exercises, either as training or as punishment.
    great; excellent; powerful
    A terrifying and dangerous creature.
    A bizarre or whimsical creature.
    An extremely cruel or antisocial person, especially a criminal.
    A horribly deformed person.
    A badly behaved child, a brat.
    Something unusually large.
    A prodigy; someone very talented in a specific domain.
    a non-player character that player(s) fight against in role-playing game
    Very large; worthy of a monster.
    Great; very good; excellent.
    To make into a monster; to categorise as a monster; to demonise.
    To behave as a monster to; to terrorise.
    To harass.
    (3).牛津词典 beast monster
    an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one
    a domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal
    an animal as opposed to a human
    an inhumanly cruel, violent, or depraved person
    an objectionable or unpleasant person or thing
    a person’s brutish or untamed characteristics
    a thing possessing a specified quality
    a large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature
    an inhumanly cruel or wicked person
    a rude or badly behaved person, typically a child
    a thing of extraordinary or daunting size
    a congenitally malformed or mutant animal or plant.
    criticize or reprimand severely
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 beast monster
    Any living creature; an animal; - including man, insects, etc.
    Any four-footed animal, that may be used for labor, food, or sport; as, a beast of burden.
    any animal other than a human; - opposed to man.
    Fig.: A coarse, brutal, filthy, or degraded fellow.
    A game at cards similar to loo.
    A penalty at beast, omber, etc. Hence: To be beasted, to be beaten at beast, omber, etc.
    Something of unnatural size, shape, or quality; a prodigy; an enormity; a marvel.
    Specifically , an animal or plant departing greatly from the usual type, as by having too many limbs.
    Any thing or person of unnatural or excessive ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty.
    Monstrous in size.
    Enormous or very powerful.
    To make monstrous.