
    blooter 对比 fool
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    (1).维基词典 blooter fool
    A babbler, a bumbling idiot, a fool.
    A kick of a ball which is hard and, often, also wild.
    A ball kicked in such a way.
    An unattractive woman.
    To do poor work, to botch (a job).
    To talk foolishly, to babble.
    To shriek, to cry in a shrill manner.
    To kick a ball in a hard and usually wild manner.
    To smash; to bludgeon.
    A person with poor judgment or little intelligence.
    A jester; a person whose role was to entertain a sovereign and the court (or lower personages).
    Someone who derives pleasure from something specified.
    Buddy, dude, person.
    A type of dessert made of puréed fruit and custard or cream.
    A particular card in a tarot deck, representing a jester.
    To trick; to deceive
    To act in an idiotic manner; to act foolishly
    (2).牛津词典 blooter fool
    hit or kick (something) hard and wildly
    a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person
    a person who is duped or imposed on
    a jester or clown, especially one retained in a royal or noble household.
    a cold dessert made of pureed fruit mixed or served with cream or custard
    trick or deceive (someone); dupe
    act in a joking, frivolous, or teasing way
    engage in casual or extramarital sexual activity.
    foolish; silly
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 blooter fool
    A compound of gooseberries scalded and crushed, with cream; - commonly called gooseberry fool.
    One destitute of reason, or of the common powers of understanding; an idiot; a natural.
    A person deficient in intellect; one who acts absurdly, or pursues a course contrary to the dictates of wisdom; one without judgment; a simpleton; a dolt.
    One who acts contrary to moral and religious wisdom; a wicked person.
    One who counterfeits folly; a professional jester or buffoon; a retainer formerly kept to make sport, dressed fantastically in motley, with ridiculous accouterments.
    To play the fool; to trifle; to toy; to spend time in idle sport or mirth.
    To infatuate; to make foolish.
    To use as a fool; to deceive in a shameful or mortifying manner; to impose upon; to cheat by inspiring foolish confidence; as, to fool one out of his money.