
    brake 对比 dynamometer
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 brake dynamometer
    vt. & vi.
    Handle that slows down the wheelchair or immobilizes it by blocking the wheel.
    [C]1. 揉碎机;(亚麻等的)麻梳2. 揉面机3. 重型耙4. (柳条)剥皮器5. (金属板)压弯成形机vt.1. 揉碎(麻等)
    ①制动器, 闸, 刹车 ②(金属板)压弯成型机 ③【消】唧筒手柄, (手动消防泵的)长柄
    n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 煞车制动器闸[P1]2. 阻碍约束[(+on)]3. 泵柄泵杆vt.1. 煞住(车)2. 抑制约束vi.1. 煞车制动
    n. 【机械】
    测力计, 功率计
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    力量计;握力计,; 望远镜倍率计
    (2).维基词典 brake dynamometer
    A fern; bracken. from 14th c.
    A thicket, or an area overgrown with briers etc. from 15th c.
    A tool used for breaking flax or hemp. from 15th c.
    A type of wikipedia.)
    A large, heavy harrow for breaking clods after ploughing; a drag.
    An ancient engine of war analogous to the crossbow and ballista.
    The handle of a pump.
    A device used to slow or stop the motion of a wheel, or of a vehicle, by friction; also, the controls or apparatus used to engage such a mechanism such as the pedal in a car. from 18th c.
    The winch of a crossbow. 14th-19th c.
    The act of braking, of using a brake to slow down a machine or vehicle
    An apparatus for testing the power of a steam engine or other motor by weighing the amount of friction that the motor will overcome; a friction brake.
    A baker’s kneading trough.
    A device used to confine or prevent the motion of an animal.
    Something used to retard or stop some action, process etc.
    A frame for confining a refractory horse while the smith is shoeing him.
    An enclosure to restrain cattle, horses, etc.
    That part of a carriage, as of a movable battery, or engine, which enables it to turn.
    A cage. 16th-17th c.
    A type of torture instrument. from 16th c.
    To bruise and crush; to knead
    To pulverise with a harrow
    To operate (a) brake(s).
    To be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking.
    Any of various devices used to measure mechanical power, force, or torque.
    (3).牛津词典 brake dynamometer
    a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, typically by applying pressure to the wheels
    a thing that slows or hinders a process
    another term for brake van
    an open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels.
    a toothed instrument used for crushing flax and hemp.
    a heavy machine formerly used in agriculture for breaking up large lumps of earth.
    a thicket.
    a coarse fern of warm and tropical countries, frequently having the fronds divided into long linear segments.
    archaic term for bracken
    make a moving vehicle slow down or stop by using a brake
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 brake dynamometer
    imp. of Break.
    A fern of the genus Pteris, esp. the Pteris aquilina, common in almost all countries. It has solitary stems dividing into three principal branches. Less properly: Any fern.
    A thicket; a place overgrown with shrubs and brambles, with undergrowth and ferns, or with canes.
    An instrument or machine to break or bruise the woody part of flax or hemp so that it may be separated from the fiber.
    An extended handle by means of which a number of men can unite in working a pump, as in a fire engine.
    A baker’s kneading though.
    A sharp bit or snaffle.
    A frame for confining a refractory horse while the smith is shoeing him; also, an inclosure to restrain cattle, horses, etc.
    That part of a carriage, as of a movable battery, or engine, which enables it to turn.
    An ancient engine of war analogous to the crossbow and ballista.
    A large, heavy harrow for breaking clods after plowing; a drag.
    A piece of mechanism for retarding or stopping motion by friction, as of a carriage or railway car, by the pressure of rubbers against the wheels, or of clogs or ratchets against the track or roadway, or of a pivoted lever against a wheel or drum in a machine.
    An apparatus for testing the power of a steam engine, or other motor, by weighing the amount of friction that the motor will overcome; a friction brake.
    A cart or carriage without a body, used in breaking in horses.
    An ancient instrument of torture.
    An apparatus for measuring force or power; especially, muscular effort of men or animals, or the power developed by a motor, or that required to operate machinery.