The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing.
Any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree.
A creek or stream which flows into a larger river. compare Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia run, and New York and New England brook.
One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance.
A location of an organization with several locations.
A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line.
A local Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church.
An area in business or of knowledge, research.
A certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters.
A sequence of code that is conditionally executed.
A group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images.
A branch line.
To arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree.
To produce branches.
To (cause to) divide into separate parts or subdivisions.
To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement.
The right to vote at a public election or referendum; see: suffrage, suffragette.
A right or privilege officially granted to a person, a group of people, or a company by a government.
An acknowledgment of a corporation’s existence and ownership.
The authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area.
A business operating under such authorization, a franchisee.
A legal exemption from jurisdiction.
The membership of a corporation or state; citizenship.
The district or jurisdiction to which a particular privilege extends; the limits of an immunity; hence, an asylum or sanctuary.
The collection of organizations in the history of a sports team; the tradition of a sports team as an entity, extending beyond the contemporary organization.
The positive influence on the buying behavior of customers exerted by the reputation of a company or a brand.
The loose collection of fictional works pertaining to a particular universe, including literary, film{{,}} or television series from various sources.
Exemption from constraint or oppression; freedom; liberty.
Magnanimity; generosity; liberality; frankness; nobility.
To confer certain powers on; grant a franchise to; authorize.
To set free; invest with a franchise or privilege; enfranchise.