
    bright 对比 dull
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    (1).中国译典 bright dull
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    n. 【农业】
    a.1. 明亮的;发亮的;晴朗的2. (颜色)鲜亮的鲜明的3. 欢快的;开朗的;生气勃勃的4. 聪颖的;机灵的5. 前途光明的6. (声音等)清晰嘹亮的ad.1. 明亮地2. 欢快地n.1. 【美】【口】(汽车的)车头灯光[P]
    adj. 【化学】
    1. 弄钝;使迟钝,2. 使阴暗,3. 缓和;减轻(痛苦等);使不活跃,vi.1. 变得迟钝,2. (兴趣,痛苦等)减少;减轻
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 bright dull
    Visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, clear, radiant; not dark.
    Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.
    Vivid, colourful, brilliant.
    Happy, in spirits.
    Sparkling with wit; lively; vivacious; cheerful.
    Illustrious; glorious.
    Clear; transparent.
    Manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes; clear; evident; plain.
    An artist’s brush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a flat, somewhat tapering bristle head.
    splendour; brightness
    A person with a naturalistic worldview with no supernatural or mystical elements.
    The high-beam intensity of motor vehicle headlamps.
    Lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp.
    Boring; not exciting or interesting.
    Not shiny; having a matte finish or no particular luster or brightness.
    Not bright or intelligent; stupid; slow of understanding.
    Sluggish, listless.
    Cloudy, overcast.
    Insensible; unfeeling.
    Heavy; lifeless; inert.
    Not intense; felt indistinctly or only slightly.
    Not clear, muffled.
    To render dull; to remove or blunt an edge or something that was sharp.
    To soften, moderate or blunt; to make dull, stupid, or sluggish; to stupefy.
    To lose a sharp edge; to become dull.
    To render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish.
    (3).牛津词典 bright dull
    giving out or reflecting much light; shining
    full of light
    (of a period of time) having sunny, cloudless weather
    (of colour) vivid and bold
    having a vivid colour
    intelligent and quick-witted
    cheerful and lively
    (of someone’s future) likely to be successful and happy
    (of sound) clear, vibrant, and typically high-pitched
    bold and vivid colours
    headlights switched to full beam
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 bright dull
    See Brite, v. i.
    Radiating or reflecting light; shedding or having much light; shining; luminous; not dark.
    Transmitting light; clear; transparent.
    Having qualities that render conspicuous or attractive, or that affect the mind as light does the eye; resplendent with charms; as, bright beauty.
    Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent.
    Sparkling with wit; lively; vivacious; shedding cheerfulness and joy around; cheerful; cheery.
    Illustrious; glorious.
    Manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes; clear; evident; plain.
    Of brilliant color; of lively hue or appearance.
    Splendor; brightness.
    Slow of understanding; wanting readiness of apprehension; stupid; doltish; blockish.
    Slow in action; sluggish; unready; awkward.
    Insensible; unfeeling.
    Not keen in edge or point; lacking sharpness; blunt.
    Not bright or clear to the eye; wanting in liveliness of color or luster; not vivid; obscure; dim; as, a dull fire or lamp; a dull red or yellow; a dull mirror.
    Heavy; gross; cloggy; insensible; spiritless; lifeless; inert.
    Furnishing little delight, spirit, or variety; uninteresting; tedious; cheerless; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; as, a dull story or sermon; a dull occupation or period; hence, cloudy; overcast; as, a dull day.
    To deprive of sharpness of edge or point.
    To make dull, stupid, or sluggish; to stupefy, as the senses, the feelings, the perceptions, and the like.
    To render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish.
    To deprive of liveliness or activity; to render heavy; to make inert; to depress; to weary; to sadden.
    To become dull or stupid.