An oily, unctuous substance obtained from cream or milk by churning.
Any substance resembling butter in degree of consistence, or other qualities, especially, in old chemistry, the chlorides, as butter of antimony, sesquichloride of antimony; also, certain concrete fat oils remaining nearly solid at ordinary temperatures, as butter of cacao, vegetable butter, shea butter.
One who, or that which, butts.
To cover or spread with butter.
To increase, as stakes, at every throw or every game.
Bacon; the flesh of swine.
The fat of swine, esp. the internal fat of the abdomen; also, this fat melted and strained.
To stuff with bacon; to dress or enrich with lard; esp., to insert lardons of bacon or pork in the surface of, before roasting; as, to lard poultry.
To fatten; to enrich.
To smear with lard or fat.
To mix or garnish with something, as by way of improvement; to interlard.
To grow fat.