
    cheer 对比 joy
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 cheer joy
    ①[与 up连用]感到高兴,感到振奋;
    cheer [sb (up)] 使振奋;使高兴;
    扩展解释:n. 【计算机】
    1. 欢呼喝彩[C]2. 振奋高兴[U]3. 鼓励激励[U]4. 菜肴酒菜[U]vt.1. 欢呼高呼;向...欢呼2. 以欢呼声激励[(+on)]3. 使振奋使快慰使高兴vi.1. 欢呼喝彩2. 感到振奋感到高兴[(+up)]
    扩展解释:n. 【计算机】
    1. 欢乐,高兴[U]2. 乐事;乐趣[C]3. (常用于疑问句和否定句)【英】【口】成功;满意[U]vi.1. 高兴,欣喜[(+in)][+to-v]
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 cheer joy
    That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment.
    A chant made in support of a team at a sports event.
    To gladden; to make cheerful; often with up.
    To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.
    To applaud or encourage with cheers or shouts.
    A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good.
    Anything that causes such a feeling.
    Luck or success; a positive outcome.
    The sign or exhibition of joy; gaiety; merriment; festivity.
    To feel joy, to rejoice.
    To enjoy.
    To give joy to; to congratulate.
    To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.
    (3).牛津词典 cheer joy
    shout for joy or in praise or encouragement
    praise or encourage with shouts
    give comfort or support to
    make or become less miserable
    a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy
    cheerfulness, optimism, or confidence
    food and drink provided for a festive occasion
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 cheer joy
    The face; the countenance or its expression.
    That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment; as, a table loaded with good cheer.
    Feeling; spirit; state of mind or heart.
    Gayety; mirth; cheerfulness; animation.
    A shout, hurrah, or acclamation, expressing joy enthusiasm, applause, favor, etc.
    To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; - often with up.
    To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.
    To salute or applaud with cheers; to urge on by cheers; as, to cheer hounds in a chase.
    To grow cheerful; to become gladsome or joyous; - usually with up.
    To be in any state or temper of mind.
    To utter a shout or shouts of applause, triumph, etc.
    The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight.
    That which causes joy or happiness.
    The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity.
    To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult.
    To give joy to; to congratulate.
    To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.
    To enjoy.